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时间:2021-12-25 22:03来源:毕业论文

摘要本次毕业设计主要以薄壁件的设计为例,研究薄壁件的3D建模,模具设计,以及数控加工三个方面。内容主要包括:利用软件对薄壁件进行实体建模,对薄壁件件的形状、尺寸及其精度的要求进行注塑成型工艺的可行性分析,初步拟定注塑模结构方案,分析塑件结构工艺性,如何挑选注塑以及成型设备,确定合理的分型面,设计合理完善的浇注系统,对注塑模具结构类型进行选用,挑选适合的模架,为模具设计简单合适的推出机构,通过 CAM的相关软件来对凹凸模实现数控加工,并通过软件生成数控程序。本毕业设计课题的整个设计过程充分检验了我在大学这四年时光里所学到的相关的专业知识。从薄壁件的建模,到分型面模架的设计,再到塑件结构工艺性的分析,最后到零件的生成以及数控加工程序生成,这些都与我大学四年来所学的专业知识息息相关。这是对我这四年来所学知识的一次系统性的检验,不仅培养了我自主学习能力,还使我养成了分析问题解决问题的良好习惯。76184


毕业论文关键词】:建模 模具设计 数控加工

Thin-walled parts 3D modeling, mold design and CNC machining

Abstract This graduation designed to be thin-walled parts of the design as an example, thin-walled parts of 3D modeling, mold design and CNC machining three areas。 The main contents include: the use of software for solid modeling of thin-walled parts, pieces of thin-walled shape, size and accuracy requirements of the injection molding process of the feasibility study, the initial development of injection mold structure of the program, the structure of the process analysis of plastic parts sex, choose how to choose the injection and molding equipment, determine a reasonable sub-surface, designed to improve the gating system, injection mold structure type selection, choose the appropriate mold for mold design simple right out mechanism, through the CAM Related software to implement NC machining of the rough mold, and generate NC program via software。 The graduation project fully let me take advantage of the relevant expertise learned four years of college, from modeling of thin-walled parts, the mold parting surface design, to analyze the structure of the process of plastic parts, and finally and to generate NC machining program generation parts, which are inextricably linked with my four years of college to learn professional knowledge。 This is my first four years of the systematic testing of knowledge to learn, not only developed my self-learning ability, but also so that I developed analyze and solve problems of good habits。

【Keywords】: Modeling   Mold design  NC


图序号 图名称 页码

2-1 创建产品圆柱体 10

2-2 产品侧面特征修剪图 10

2-3 中间通孔创建图 11

2-4 底部凹槽特征创建图 11

2-5 内凹特征创建图 12

2-6 内凹特征创建图 12

2-7 另一侧凹模特征处理图 13

2-8 顶面旋转面创建图 13

2-9 产品顶部特征修剪图 薄壁件3D建模模具设计及数控加工+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_87350.html
