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时间:2021-12-25 21:30来源:毕业论文



Abstract: The problem tried to solve in this paper is the difficulty in processing the plating roll of Corrugated High Speed Printing Machine: 1。 Due to the large volume of the printing plate which has many complex features, choosing an appropriate processing route is needed; 2。 Using traditional processing methods is difficult to process the roller cylinder U/V type ink groove。 The approach adopted to solve the problem is using self designed special fixture and mechanical expertise to design process route and to make it easier and more efficient。 The results obtained in this research include: 1。 A new clear, reasonable and efficient process route; 2。 A new self designed special fixture for milling U/V type ink groove。 The impacts of the obtained results are ensuring product quality, and improving the production efficiency at the same time。

Keywords:Corrugating high speed machine; Plating roller; Special fixture; Processing。


1  绪论 1

1。1  课题来源 1

1。2  瓦楞纸高速印刷机基本介绍 1

1。3  国内、外高速印刷机发展情况 2

1。3。1  国内发展概况 2

1。3。2  国外发展概况 2

1。3。3  国内印版辊材料简述 2

2  高速印刷机印版辊零件分析 4

2。1  零件的作用 4

2。2  零件的特征分析 6

2。3  零件的工艺分析 8

2。4  零件的技术要求 9

2。5  确认零件的生产类型 10

3  高速印刷机印版辊加工工艺设计 11

3。1  确定毛坯的制造形式 11

3。2  选择基准面 11

3。2。1  各零件粗基准选择 11

3。2。2  各零件精基准选择 11

3。3  制订工艺路线 12

3。3。1  辊筒与轴颈连接方案选择 12

3。3。2  整体工艺路线方案 13

3。3。3  中间辊筒加工工艺路线方案 13

3。3。4  两侧轴颈加工工艺路线方案 13

3。3。5  两侧轴套加工工艺路线方案 14

3。3。6  连接筒体与轴颈工艺路线方案 14

3。3。7  连接支承与筒体(装配)及加工工艺路线方案 系列自动高速印刷机印版辊加工工艺及夹具设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_87335.html
