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时间:2021-10-10 15:48来源:毕业论文

摘 要本试验是为了研究初期磨损刀具车削温升与车削振动的相关性。采用 OS523E-2 红外 测温仪、压电式加速度传感器、WS-2402 振动信号采集仪等设备,研究车床主轴转速、进 给速度和车削深度对刀具车削温升与振动的影响规律,得到了车削温度及车削三向振动加 速度的时域曲线。试验表明:(1)随着不同车削参数(主轴转速 n、进给速度 vf 、以及车 削深度 ap)的增加,车削温升均值 T 都随之增大;(2)刀具的三向振动加速度均值、最 大值以及均方根值随车削参数的变化各不相同,即车削系统受到的振动冲击以及车削振动 损耗的能量在不同车削参数下各有其特点;(3)基于试验数据借助 matlab 软件编程计算得 到在不同车削参数下车削温升与车削振动的拟合公式,利用车削参数及实测振动数据由该 拟合公式可以较好地预测车削过程中的车削温升。72677

毕业论文关键词:车削温度 车削振动 车削试验 相关性研究

Experimental research on correlation between turning temperature rise and turning vibration of initial wear tool

Abstract This experiment is to study the relationship between the temperature rise and the vibration of the initial wear tool turning。 The OS523E-2 infrared temperature measurement tester, pressure electric type acceleration sensor, WS-2402 vibration signal acquisition instrument and equipment, research lathe spindle speed, feed rate and cutting depth influence rules of cutting temperature and vibration, temperature of turning and turning to the vibration acceleration time  curve。  The test showed that: (1) with different cutting parameters (spindle speed n, feed speed vf, and turning depth ap) increases, turning temperature rise value increases; (2) to the three cutter vibration acceleration mean value, maximum value and RMS value changes with the cutting parameters are different, namely, vibration and impact turning system and energy loss by turning vibration at different cutting parameters under each has its own characteristics; (3) the test data using matlab software programming fitting formula and get off at different cutting parameters of cutting temperature and turning vibration is calculated based on the vibration data measured by turning parameters and the fitting formula can predict the turning temperature in the process of turning up。

Key Words: turning temperature turning vibration turning test correlation study

摘要 I

Abstract II

目录 III

1 绪论 1

1。1 课题研究的目的和意义 1

1。2 车削振动的国内外研究现状 1

1。3 车削温升的国内外研究现状 2

1。4 研究内容与研究方法 4

2 车削振动理论与测试基础 6

2。1 车削振动的分类及原因 6

2。2 车削振动的识别和防控 7

2。3 车削振动测试系统 9

3 车削温度理论与测试基础 14

3。1 切削热和车削温度的概述 14

3。2 车削温度测量系统 初期磨损刀具车削温升与振动相关性的试验研究:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_82712.html
