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时间:2021-09-13 20:29来源:毕业论文



Design of Gas Absorption Tower for Recovery Unit

Abstract: Natural gas, as an important fossil energy source, has a better environmental hazard than other fossil resources。 With the rapid development of the world economy, more and more use of fossil fuels to make the global climate and environmental changes more and more extreme。 Natural gas is a high quality, very clean energy and chemical raw materials, and easy to use, has a high comprehensive economic benefits, China has a wealth of natural gas resources, but the fuel gas contains a lot of H2S, CO2, about 30% Of the natural gas containing a large number of sulfur elements, which H2S content of more than 1% of the natural gas reserves accounted for the total reserves of 1/4, Mao Yanhong, "high sulfur natural gas purification technology in the application of Puguang gas field" 。 Natural Gas Industry, 2011,31 (5): 99- 100。 The presence of H2S will not only cause corrosion of equipment and pipelines, endanger the health of the human body, its combustion products will pollute the environment。 So we have to be mined out of natural gas purification。 Now we have to create an absorption tower used to eliminate or reduce the fuel gas H2S, CO2, in order to reduce the use of fuel gas in the environment and equipment hazards Zhang Mengyu, Zhong Sheng, Su Wei。 "Progress in Separation of CO2 Adsorbents", Natural Gas Chemical Industry (C1)  Learning and chemical)。 2013 Volume 38: 84-88。

Keywords: packing tower, packing, grid plate

目  录

1。回收装置气体吸收塔可行性分析 1

1。1回收装置气体吸收塔设计的目的 1

1。2填料塔内吸收剂的选取 1

1。3流程选择及流程说明 1

1。4设备及材料 1

1。5 塔的强度设计  1

1。5。1 塔的载荷分析 4

1。5。2垂直地震力计算 7

1。5。3风载荷与风弯矩计算 9

1。5。4偏心弯矩的计算 16

1。5。5 计算各截面上的重量 17

1。5。6设计压力引起的轴向应力 17

1。5。7操作重量引起的轴向应力 18

1。5。8最大弯矩引起的轴向应力 19

1。6裙座轴向应力校核 21

1。7基础环 22

1。8 地脚螺栓计算 24

2。 填料塔的基本数据计算 回收装置气体吸收塔的设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_81697.html
