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时间:2021-01-30 20:16来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词  浪涌发电装置  发电功率  日发电总量


Title   Surge power generation device            

Abstract The thesis is the design of surge generation device. On the basis of  collection and study of the movement of the wave motion characteristics near the sea Lianyungang's, we propose two surge power plant design, which were named as wave power installations and tidal power devices. Two designs are carried out using Solidworks 3D modeling, and choose one of the tidal power plant, in accordance with national standards, drawn out of the assembly drawing and parts diagram, and draw some of the parts into assemblies and two-dimensional drawings. Then using the established three-dimensional model of the mechanical properties of the power generation unit, load situation. Finally, according to the data wave movement of the energy utilization efficiency of electric power generation device, the power generation amount per day issue generation and other parameters.

Keywords  Surge power generation device  Power generation  Day total power generation

1 引言 2

1.1 浪涌发电的发展历程 2

1.2 浪涌发电需要解决的问题 4

1.3 浪涌发电的展望 4

2 浪涌发电装置的特点 4

3 浪涌发电装置总体方案的设计和计算 6

3.1波浪发电装置 6

3.3.1 海洋中的波动现象 6

3.3.2 方案结构介绍 7

3.1.3 方案工作原理 9

3.1.4 方案参数计算 9

3.1.5 密封和防锈处理 12

3.2 潮汐发电装置 12

3.2.1 海洋中的潮汐现象 12

3.2.2 方案结构介绍 13

3.2.3 方案工作原理 16

3.2.4 方案参数设计 17

3.2.5 能量储存 32

结  论 33

致  谢 34

参考文献 35

1 引言


海洋蕴藏着巨大的可再生的绿色能源,如潮汐能、波浪能、海流能(潮流能)、海水温差能和海水盐差能等,是地球上主要的无污染和可再生能源之一,也是人类未来赖以生存的重要能量来源之一。利用海浪发电是开发利用海洋能的一条重要途径[1]。 Solidworks浪涌发电装置设计:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_69237.html
