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时间:2017-05-11 19:49来源:毕业论文

Vertical CNC milling machine infeed system
Abstract:CNC milling machining equipment indispensable in modern manufacturing . CNC milling machine infeed system is an important part in the machine . This article mainly the design CNC milling feed system , first analyzed and summarized the development of numerical controltechnology Servo motor selection on the basis of the analysis and calculation of the milling milling force , coupling model selection and check the key size selection and check bearing model selection and checking ; major parts ball screws and other design . The design principle based on foreign advanced CNC milling , CNC milling machines , compared to the domestic higher speed and larger feed rate . AutoCAD graphics rendering completed assembly drawing and key parts of CNC milling machine infeedsystem . CNC milling machine is a kind of strong numerical control machine processing function, so the research on it is very meaningful.
KeyWords:CNC milling machine;ball screw;feed system
1绪论    4
1.1数控铣床定义    4
1.2数控铣床背景    4
1.3数控铣床的分类    5
1.4数控铣床发展方向    7
1.5 数控铣床的用途    8
1.6 数控铣床的工作原理    8
1.7 研究课题的目的与意义    9
2结构设计以及方案拟定    10
2.1基本参数    10
2.2数控铣床主要结构    10
2.3方案拟定    12
2.3.1滚珠丝杠的确定    12
2.3.2导轨的确定    16
2.4数控机床的文护和保养    17
2.4.1数控机床文护与保养的目的和意义    17
2.4.2数控机床文护与保养的基本要求    18
2.4.3数控机床文护与保养的点检管理    19
3计算校核    21
3.1工作台尺寸设计    21
3.2滚珠丝杠设计计算    22
3.2.1切削功率为    22
3.2.2 计算进给轴向力Fm(N)    22
3.2.3动载荷强度计算    23
3.2.4静载荷强度计算    23
3.2.5滚珠丝杆支承选择    24
3.2.6额定寿命的校核    24
3.2.7传动效率的计算    25
3.2.8滚珠丝杠基本尺寸    25
3.3伺服电机的计算    26
3.3.1最大切削负载转矩计算    26
3.3.2负载惯量计算    27
3.3.3空载加速转矩计算    29
3.3.4伺服系统增益    29
3.4轴承的计算    30
3.4.1预期寿命    30
3.4.2轴承的径向载荷    30 立式数控铣床横向进给系统设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_6764.html