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时间:2022-10-17 22:13来源:毕业论文

摘 要计算机辅助设计(CAD)自诞生至今对制造业的发展和变革产生了深远的影响,为产品设计带来的全新理念和操作方式,极大地缩短了研发周期,提高了设计生产效率。





Abstract The development of manufacturing industry has been strongly influenced by the technique of Computer Aided Design, which brings completely new ideas of products design and shorten the research and development cycle vastly。 Because of that, production efficient becomes high and high。

 Three dimensional digital modeling of diesel engine block based on UG modeling module has been described in detail。 

The development course and future direction of CAD/CAM Technology is introduced briefly in this paper firstly。 Then, Principles and matters needing attention in design and manufacture of diesel engine block is introduced。 Finally, the whole modeling process of a 16V medium-speed diesel engine by UG will be expounded in detail。

Diesel engine block is one of the most important part of a diesel engine, and the one of the most complex one。 So, some personal opinion on how we model a complex box part in the paper。 And, some summary will be shared too。 I believe that these experience will be helpful。

Key words:UG; medium-speed diesel engine; diesel engine block; modeling

目 录

第一章 绪论 1

1。1计算机辅助设计/制造的发展趋势 1

1。2 UG的特点与优势 2

1。3 CAD/CAM延伸——柴油机数字样机构建 3

1。4 基于UG的柴油机机体建模 3

1。4。1 16PA280中速柴油机机体简介 4

1。4。2  用UG实现的数字化建模 4

第二章 机体的整体建模 5

2。1 知识准备 5

2。1。1机体的结构分类 5

2。1。2 机体主要部分简介 5

2。2  建模思路整理 6

2。3  附件的建模 8

2。3。1 轴瓦 9

2。3。2 螺栓、螺柱 11

2。3。3 轴承、轴承端盖 13

2。4  机体的总体建模 15

2。4。1 建模基准及整体外形的确定 15

2。4。2 润滑油道、凸轮轴腔及曲轴箱的确定 16

2。4。3 气缸体位置及尺寸的确定 20

2。4。4 顶面二级基准特征的建模 24
