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时间:2020-10-22 20:20来源:毕业论文

摘  要船舶建造具有订单式生产、设计、建造周期长、投资大、施工强度高等特点,这就需要船舶建造企业具有较强的整合能力和管理水平。要充分发挥各工种的优势,科学合理地安排施工,做到安全、高效、高质量地完成船舶建造。58501



Abstract Ship construction with ordering production, design, construction cycle is long, large investment, high construction intensity, etc. This would require the shipbuilding enterprises has strong ability of integration and management level.To give full play to the advantages of each type of work, scientific and reasonable arrangement of construction, be safe,efficient,high quality to complete construction of the ship.

In the process of shipbuilding, production design of ship construction  provides reliable data and information  for site construction, as an important part of ship construction, ship's production design since the introduction of the field of shipbuilding, pay attention to and deepen constantly.In this paper, combining with the characteristics of the development of Chinese shipbuilding industry, completed the 2700 teu container ship cargo B19C section at the bottom of the hull production design, including the basic structure plan of production design, makeup figure, hanging misty drawing and parts coding, work construction out scheme and construction essentials every block, etc.On this basis, according to the UAV in the field of ship application examples, I do the prospective study of the application of UAV in the field of shipbuilding and exprss some idea of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) will be used in the field of ship future construction .

Keywords: Container ship, Production design, Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) 


第一章  绪论 1

1.1 现阶段国内外船舶工业的发展概况及差距分析 1

1.2 集装箱船 3

1.2.1 集装箱船简介 3

1.2.2 集装箱船的发展现状 4

1.3 造船生产设计 4

1.3.1 船舶生产设计介绍 4

1.3.2 国内外研究现状 5

1.3.3 我国造船业在生产设计上仍存在的问题 6

第二章  2700TEU集装箱船建造方针 8

2.1 2700TEU集装箱船概述 8

2.2 2700TEU集装箱船船体施工要领 10

2.3 船体放样下料要领 10

2.4 拼板要领 10

2.5 船体的部件制造要领 11

2.6 船体分段建造要领 11

2.7 精度管理 12

2.8 船台总装要领 13

第三章  2700TEU集装箱船货舱底部B19C分段船体生产设计 2700TEU集装箱船货舱底部B19C分段船体生产设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_63430.html
