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时间:2020-05-27 21:24来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词 浸麦槽 结构设计 浸麦 

Abstract Steeping tank is to provide a selection of barley after cleaning, dipping equipment. In selected barley process impregnated with water, since impregnated water circulation replacement and pass into the air oxygen, so that further cleaning of barley, the dissolution of the hull pigments, tannins and salts and other harmful substances, and discharge of carbon dioxide. While increased the germination vigor of oxygen due to be ventilated. Old-fashioned square flat steeping equipment, artificial unloading wheat, then changed to cone bottom, and then developed into a dump wheat cone type, although labor-saving , but after steeping, germinating barley less uniform, designed in this paper cone dip Mai tank with compressed air into the tube, so that the barley in water to enhance and flip. The apparatus also has a remove carbon dioxide. This will not only save labor, barley germination is relatively uniform.

Keywords: Steeping tank   Structural Design   Steeping  


第一章 绪论 1

1. 1课题的研究背景及意义 1

1.2 研究背景及国内外的研究概况 1

1.3浸渍理论 2

1.3.1浸麦的吸水过程及生理现象 2

1.3.2大麦的吸水速度 2

1.3.3浸麦与通风 2

1.3.4 浸麦水中的添加剂 4

1.3.5浸麦方法 4

第二章 总体方案设计 8

2.1 概述 8

2.2 圆锥型浸麦槽概要设计 8

2.3计算 9

第三章 柱体锥底浸麦槽设计 12

3.1  型式与结构设计 12

3.1.1 技术要求 12

3.1.2  浸麦槽的主要结构 13

3.2 三维模型的建立 15

3.2.1槽体的设计 16

3.2.2底盖的模型的建立 17

3.2.3筛网的模型建立 17

3.2.4四通头模型建立 18

3.2.5溢流箱的模型建立 20

3.2.6 浮麦收集槽模型的建立 21

3.2.7 阀的模型建立 22

3.2.8中心循环管的模型建立 24

3.2.9通气管模型的建立 25

3.2.10弯管模型的建立 圆锥型浸麦槽结构设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_53015.html
