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时间:2022-09-01 23:05来源:毕业论文

摘要现代社会的迅速发展,人口老龄化程度愈来愈加剧,而且,在工作环境不良的情 况下,务必要有替代人工作的机械。因此,机械手应用而生。从机械手自由度的角度 来说,自由度越多,那么能实现的动作愈复杂,同时肯定会使机械手的结构愈繁杂, 关节也会增加。83689

本文的研究对象就是六自由度机械手。在对六自由度机械手机械结构做了比较详 细的介绍之后,对控制系统做了如下研究:

机械手运动学分析:运动学分析中包括了正运动学分析和逆运动学分析;在本文 中,借助逆运动学分析解算出机械手到达指定位置时各个关节所需要转过的角度。控制系统的硬件设计:首先阐述了控制系统硬件总体设计思路,接着对各个模块 进行了合理的选型及其功能介绍,然后,在 Protel 软件中绘制出了硬件电路图,再 经过元器件的布线及敷铜得到 PCB 板。控制系统的软件设计:在软件设计之前,通过机械手运动学分析,确定了机械手 在完成既定任务过程中,各个电机所需转动的角度及其转向。然后基于 C 语言,进行 编程。

基于设计好的硬件系统对已编写的软件代码进行调试。在本文中,完成的调试试 验是步进电机的启停及速度调节。


Abstract With the rapid development of modern society, the degree of aging population is becoming more and more intensified and sometimes workers are under the condition of poor working environment。It is necessary to develop the machine that  replaces human labor。 The manipulator has been developed 。 From the angle of freedom of the manipulator, the more freedom, the more complex action can be achieved, while the complexity of the structure of the manipulator will increase。

The research object of this paper is the six degree of freedom manipulator。After a detailed introduction to the mechanical structure of the six degree of freedom manipulator, the research contents of the control system are as follows:

Kinematics analysis of manipulator: Analysis of kinematics and inverse  kinematics are included in the kinematic analysis。In this paper,by using the inverse  kinematics analysis, the angle of the various joints needed to reach the position is calculated。

Hardware design of control system:firstly, the overall design of the control system hardware is described。 Then, the reasonable selection of each module and its function are introduced。 The hardware circuit diagram is drawn in Protel software。 After the wiring of components and depositing copper , PCB board has been finished。

Software design of control system:before the software design, through the analysis of the manipulator's kinematics, the angle of rotation of each motor and its turn is been determined 。 And we begin programming based on the C language。

Based on the design of hardware system, the software code has been prepared to debug。 In this paper, the completion of the test is to achieve the stepper motor start , stop and speed regulation。

Keyword:six degree of freedom manipulator;control system;STC89C52; stepper motor


第一章 绪论 1

1。1 选题背景 1

1。2 研究意义 1

1。3 国外机械手发展状况 2

1。4 国内机械手发展状况 3

1。5 研究内容 5

第二章 机械手运动学分析 6

2。1 六自由度机械手机械结构 6 STC89C52六自由度机械手控制系统的设计开发+电路图:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_98784.html
