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时间:2020-03-12 21:20来源:毕业论文

In this paper, we analyze and design the problem of how to pack the iron metal tanks,required to achieve the robot hand grasp and put two actions,the timing of the grip is adjustable and between 3 seconds to 6 seconds,in order to realize the iron metal tank in order to pack and the spacing between the two cans of bottles is 5 mm.Grab power is greater than the iron metal cans of self weight of 300 grams.Through the comparison of different programs to draw a simple and appropriate design, and the mechanical structure of the detailed design of the key parts of the analysis, verification.According to the design of various control methods, the design of appropriate control system.The programmable logic controller (PLC) control, and introduces the selection and application of sensor, complete controller interface circuit design and control software of the preparation, system design, program flow chart and control circuit diagram and sensor detection circuit figure.At the same time, the entire expanded summary, of iron metal can packing machine in the design of narrative as a whole, and puts forward the improvement of the equipment, and forecasted the prospect of iron metal can packing machine hand.
Key words:Iron metal cans; packing; robot hand; grasp; release; time;
         in order to pack; bottle belly spacing
目  录
第一章  绪论    1
1.1研究背景与意义    1
1.2国内外研究近况与发展趋向    1
1.3课题认识与总体方案设计    2
第二章  铁质金属罐装箱机器手总体设计    4
2.1铁质金属罐装箱机器手的组成    4
2.2方案的对比分析    4
2.3铁质金属罐装箱机器手系统工作原理    5
2.4铁质金属罐装箱机器手结构设计    5
2.4.1回转机构的设计    6
2.4.2电磁吸盘的水平移动机构设计    8
2.4.3电磁吸盘的升降机构设计    9
2.4.4电磁吸盘的设计    10
第三章  控制系统的设计    11
3.1运动过程分析    11
3.2传感器的选择    12
3.3驱动器的选型    13
3.4气压系统    13
3.5控制器的选择    14
3.6 PLC控制器型号的选择    14
3.6.1 I/O模块的选择    14
3.6.2 PLC的选择    15
3.7 I/O端子分配表    15
3.8硬件连接图    17
3.9控制系统软件设计    18
3.9.1程序流程图    18
3.9.2梯形图程序    19
结束语    24 PLC铁质金属罐装箱机器手系统设计+CAD图纸+梯形图:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_48213.html