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时间:2020-03-10 09:41来源:毕业论文

 ABSTRACT Punch press is an important part of the processing of the punch press, the automation of the punch is gradually replacing the traditional manual feed, has become an indispensable part of the production and manufacturing industry.
     This paper mainly studies the design of automatic feeding system of punch press, briefly introduces the development of the press feed system. In the research and analysis of the intermittent mechanism of the punch feed system, the design of the mechanical part and the control system are discussed. Intermittent mechanism in mechanical part feeding system used in cam indexer. According to the feeding step and the frequency of the punch press and the weight of the material, the capacity and size of the motor and the size of the guide rail, and the transmission ratio of the motor in the feeding system were selected. In the control part of the application of PLC control of the entire system operation, and the control of the hardware selection, including PLC, AC contactor and detection components. Software design of the control system according to the function to make software flow chart, I/O distribution diagram, programming ladder diagram.
Keywords: punch feed; intermittent mechanism; PLC; sensor;
目  录
第一章  绪论    1
1.1冲床自动送料系统概述    1
1.2冲床送料系统国内外发展情况及差距    2
1.3 课题研究的背景及意义    2
1.3.1背景    2
1.3.2设计意义    3
第二章  总体方案设计    4
第三章  机械方案设计    5
3.1送料机构的总体设计    5
3.1.1双辊轮的设计    5
3.1.2支撑座的设计    6
3.2间歇机构的选择    6
3.2.1凸轮分度器工位的选择    7
3.2.2凸轮分度器分度角的选择    7
3.2.3凸轮分度器输出扭矩的计算    8
3.3联轴器的选择    9
3.4传动机构的选择    10
3.4.1同步带带型和节距的选择    10
3.4.2带轮直径的计算    11
3.4.2带的参数的计算    11
3.5电机选型    12
第四章 控制系统设计    14
4.1控制原理    14
4.2控制系统的硬件设计    14
4.2.1控制器的选择    14
4.2.2变频器的选型    15
4.2.3检测元件的选型    16
4.3控制系统的软件设计    16
4.3.1程序流程图的设计    16
4.3.2系统硬件连接图    17
4.3.3 PLC程序设计    18
结束语    24
致谢    25 PLC冲床自动间歇送料系统+CAD图纸+梯形图:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_47970.html