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时间:2024-05-26 10:36来源:95478





Abstract:Wave compensation system is a kind of operation system suitable for high sea conditions. Under the action of waves, the ship experiences six degrees of freedom motion. In order to effectively compensate for the adverse effects of relative motion,  a large number of large vessels are equipped with wave compensation systems. The utility model can effectively prevent the cable from loosening and reduce the influence of the wave on the boat, thereby protecting the equipment and personnel on the ship.

This article mainly studies the following: firstly, the passive heave compensation is analyzed, expounds its basic principle, lifting condition and passive decline condition characteristics, analysis of the speed and tension compensation compensation, influence of ship motion and lifting installation position of davit to compensate,  simulation  of the. When the small boat is loaded, the influence of compensation tension on its swing is analyzed and analyzed, and the anti roll effect of compensating tension is simulated and analyzed. Secondly, through the calculation, check and selection, the compensation device is analyzed and designed, and the hydraulic principle diagram of the compensation device is drawn. Finally, the electrical principle of the compensation device is analyzed and the electrical principle diagram is drawn.

After analysis, the passive wave compensation system is theoretically feasible, but in practical circumstances, the effect of use is still to be verified.

Keywords: hydraulic winch;Wave compensation; Constant tension

第一章绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.2 概述 2

1.2.1 主动式波浪补偿 2

1.2.2 被动式波浪补偿 3

1.3 课题研究现状 4

1.4 主要研究内容 5

第二章艇机被动式波浪补偿控制的原理分析 6

2.1 基本原理 6

2.2 补偿速度的分析 6

2.3 补偿张力的分析 11

2.4 艇机被动式波浪补偿控制设计+电气原理图:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_204019.html
