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时间:2024-04-16 21:15来源:毕业论文



Abstract Shipbuilding production design in the broad sense, is from the construction standpoint, through the design form, consider high quality, high efficiency, short cycle, and to ensure safe how to ship and how to organize a reasonable shipbuilding design。 The main research is to study the production design of the side of the hull cabin area, including the design of the production design, the design of the work drawing, the design of the auxiliary operation of the project and the preparation of the management chart。 The cabin side of the section in addition to curved shell, but also with B platform and other structures。 This topic is  aimed at the above characteristics of the side section, the use of anti-anti-law, that is, the B platform as the base of the sub-construction, so that the sub-section in the reverse state, the outer plate to frame as a benchmark for single-piece placement put up。 And the parts are coded and the welding methods and requirements are determined and the selection and arrangement of the horses when the sections are turned and lifted。 With a sub-structure, puzzle, cross-line and hanging horse installation plans。

Keywords: Production design; Anti-anti-law; Part code


第一章绪论 1

1。1 研究背景和现状 1

1。1。1我国造船业发展的背景 1

1。1。2国内外研究现状及今后的趋势 1

1。2 成品油船简介 2

1。2。1成品油船的结构特点 2

1。2。2成品油船的发展趋势 2

1。3研究的目的与意义 3

1。4研究的主要内容 3

第二章船体生产设计准备 4

2。125000DWT成品油船的概况 4

2。2承造船厂生产能力 5

2。3分段建造方案 5

2。4分段建造精度管理 5

第三章25000DWT成品油船机舱区域212P分段生产设计 6

3。1212P分段结构特点 6

3。2212P分段位置 6

3。3212P分段建造方法 7

3。4212P分段焊接要求 8

3。5212P分段焊接变形预防和控制 9

3。625000DWT成品油船船体生产设计说明 9

3。6。1船体生产设计图纸的说明 25000DWT成品油船机舱212P分段生产设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_203456.html
