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时间:2018-06-03 21:43来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词: 水解罐;搅拌;反应釜;夹套;填料密封
Design of neutralization tank
Abstract:The design is based on the design plan requirements and GB150 “Steek Pressure Vessels” and other provisions of the relevant standards. I designed a neutralization tank which is a mixing reaction kettle. Combing with the nature of the materials within the reactor operating conditions I did the design of the overall structure and selection of parts, the design and calculation of structure, the check of strength, etc. Jacketed reaction vessel with stirring, for the mixing efficiency, good sealing performance, the design of innovative used a propeller agitator, a baffle that can be formed in two circular flow, and a packing seal that meets the design requirements and is economical. This design is considering the process requirement, and considering the mixing efficiency and cost saving.It is convenient for factory to manufacture and operate.
Key Words: hydrolysis tank; stirring; jacketed reactor; jacket; seal
目  录
1绪论    1
1.1 概述    1
1.2 搅拌的目的    1
1.3 搅拌设备的基本结构    1
1.4 搅拌器的选用    3
2设计任务    5
2.1 设计题目    5
2.2 设计参数及要求    5
2.3 总体方案的确定    5
3 反应釜釜体和夹套工艺计算    6
3.1 确定釜体的直径和高度    6
3.2 确定夹套的直径和高度    7
3.3 夹套的强度计算    10
3.4 釜体的强度计算    11
3.4.1 按内压对釜体和封头进行强度计算    11
3.4.2 按外压对釜体进行强度校核    11
3.4.3 按外压对釜体下封头进行强度校核    13
3.5 夹套反应釜水压试验校核    15
4 反应釜的搅拌装置设计    17
4.1 选取搅拌器    17
4.2 搅拌轴的设计    18
4.3 挡板    18
5 反应釜的传动装置    20
5.1总体结构—传动装置的系统组成    20
5.2 凸缘法兰    21
5.3 安装底盖    21
5.4 机架    22
5.5 联轴器    22
5.6 电动机和减速器    23
5.7 轴封设计    24
5.7.1 机械密封    24
5.7.2 填料密封    25
6 反应釜的其他附件    26
6.1 釜体法兰    26
6.2 选用视镜、温度计和工艺接管    27
6.3 垫片的选择    28
7 开孔补强    29
7.1 允许不另行补强的条件    29
7.2 进料管开孔补强计算    30
7.3 出料管开孔补强计算    31
7.4 温度计接管开孔补强计算    33
7.5 安全阀接管开孔补强计算    33
8 支座    36
9设备的文护和保养    38 中和水解罐的设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_16963.html