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时间:2018-05-30 21:25来源:毕业论文

Inject mold Design of Canon SLR camera lens cover
Abstract: Injection molding is a manufacturing process for producing parts from both thermoplastic and thermosetting plastic materials. Material is fed into a heated barrel, mixed, and forced into a mold cavity where it cools and hardens to the configuration of the mold cavity. Injection molding is widely used for manufacturing a variety of parts. In the process,the basic principle of injection molding was introduced, and focus was put on the structure and the working principle of side-seperating and core-pulling mechanism. And then basic design principle of the product was proposed. Moreover, detailed descriptions were made on the selection of mold material and process technology, the design of casting system, main parts, ejection mechanism, temperature controller and venting system. The mold is Ordinary mould leader of the system with two plates. And considering effectiveness and cost, it is one-cavity mold.
Key words: plastic; plastic mould; injection molding design
目  录
1  引言  1
1.1  塑料模具的发展现状1
1.2  塑料模具的发展趋势2
1.2.1  CAD/CAM/CAE技术的应用2
1.2.2  电子信息工程技术的应用2
1.2.3  体辅助注塑成型技术的使用更趋成熟2
1.2.4  热流道技术应用更加广泛2
1.2.5  精密、复杂、大型模具的制造水平有了很大提高3
1.2.6  模具寿命不断提高3
1.2.7  模具效率不断提高3
1.2.8  采用模具先进加工技术及设备3
1.3  毕业设计主要内容和设计流程3
1.3.1  毕业设计主要内容3
1.3.2  毕业设计流程4
2  塑件成型工艺分析5
2.1  产品介绍5
2.2  塑件分析5
2.2.1  几何形状与分析5
2.2.2  塑料性能分析6
2.2.3  型腔数量8
3  模具结构设计9
3.1  模具的设计要求9
3.2  注塑机的选择9
3.3  成型方案确定10
3.3.1  确定分型面位置10
3.3.2  脱模方式11
3.3.3  浇注系统形式11
3.3.4  冷却与加热系统考虑11
3.3.5  确定成型零部件的结构形式11
3.3.6  确定模具总体结构11
3.4  流道尺寸的设计12
3.4.1  主流道设计12
3.4.2  流道的布置12
3.4.3  浇口的选择14
3.5  成型零件工作部分尺寸计算15
3.5.1  成型零部件的性能16
3.5.2  型腔、型芯工作部位尺寸的确定16
3.6  模架的选取17
3.7  导柱导向机构的设计17
3.7.1  导柱的选取18
3.7.2  导套的选取19
3.8  脱模结构的设计19
3.8.1  侧抽结构20
3.8.2  推杆的选择21
3.8.3  拉料杆的选择22
3.8.4  复位杆的设计23
3.9  冷却系统的设计23 佳能单反相机镜头盖罩注塑模设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_16676.html