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时间:2018-04-19 15:42来源:毕业论文
使用ANSYS WORKBENCH软件对弹性三脚枪架进行了静态刚强度、模态分析和瞬态刚强度仿真分析,得到并分析了结果云图,分析结果表明应力-应变和总变形的值都很小

摘要随着大口径机枪不断改进和创新,这使得新出现的大口径机枪迫切需要与之相互配套的新型枪架。本文通过对现今枪架技术的特点和研究现状进行分析,在已有枪身的条件下,设计了一种弹性三脚架,提高了射击精度、操作方便性和稳定性,并对其进行了三文结构设计、刚度计算分析和有限元分析。确定弹性枪架的整体设计方案后,通过pro/e软件,进行了该弹性枪架的三文造型设计。采用经验公式计算了该弹性三脚枪架的刚度,检查计算了该刚度满足要求。采用有限元方法,使用ANSYS WORKBENCH软件对弹性三脚枪架进行了静态刚强度、模态分析和瞬态刚强度仿真分析,得到并分析了结果云图,分析结果表明应力-应变和总变形的值都很小,该弹性三脚枪架具有很好的稳定性,满足使用要求。21435
关键词  弹性三脚架;三文造型;刚度;有限元


Title      Design and Analysis of a machine gun rack                    
With large-caliber machine guns continuous improvement and innovation, this makes large-caliber machine guns emerging with the urgent need to support each new gun rack. Based on the characteristics of the current status of the gun rack and research techniques to analyze the conditions under Barrel has proposed a new flexible tripod, and its three-dimensional structure design, stiffness calculation analysis and finite element analysis. Reading and analysis of the large number of documents on the gun rack design. Flexibility to determine the overall design of the gun rack, through PRO/E software, three-dimensional design of the elastic gun rack. And calculate the stiffness of the elastic tripod gun rack; check the stiffness is calculated to meet the requirements. Flexible software using ANSYS WORKBENCH tripod gun rack were stress - strain and total deformation analysis experiments, cloud analysis of experimental results obtained, the results of the stress - strain and deformation of the total value is very small, the elastic tripod gun rack with a very good stability, meet the requirements.
Keywords  Flexible Tripod; Three-dimensional modeling ;Stiffness; FEM
1  绪论    1
1.1  枪架设计技术产生的背景    1
1.2  国内外研究的历史和现状    1
1.2.1 枪架设计技术的发展历史    1
1.2.2 枪架设计技术的普遍技术    2
1.2.3 选题的依据和意义    2
1.3  本文的主要工作    3
2  弹性三脚架方案选型    4
2.1  弹性枪架和缓冲枪架的对比    4
2.1.1 缓冲枪架    4
2.1.2 弹性枪架    4
2.2  枪架的形式    5
2.2.1 轮式枪架    5
2.2.2 三脚架式枪架    5
2.3  三脚架的脚杆配置形式    6
2.4  三脚架的驻锄形式    6
2.5  本章小结    7
3  弹性枪架总体结构    7
3.1枪身固定部件    8
3.2  弹性枪架的俯仰装置    9
3.3  弹性枪架旋转装置    11
3.4  弹性枪架下部分结构    11
3.5  本章小结    14
4  弹性三脚架结构理论计算    15
4.1  计算武器的替换质量     15
4.2  确定枪架的刚度     15
4.2.1 计算后架杆的断面惯性矩     16 ANSYS某机枪枪架三维设计与分析:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_13636.html