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时间:2018-04-07 09:03来源:毕业论文

关键词  微夹钳  PLZT陶瓷  作动器   有限元仿真
Title    A design and simulation of microgripper based on the research of the
    photostrictive characteristics of PLZT ceramics.
Microgripper, as a typical micro actuators, have a broader application in micro-mechanical parts processing, micro-assembly and bio-engineering, However, traditional microgripper, which is driven by static, piezoelectric, electric heating and electromagnetism, have some difficult issues that it need to connect wires, and susceptible to electromagnetic interference and other. The new intelligent materials PLZT, which can make light be converted into mechanical energy, avoids electromagnetic noise interference, and incentives for the implementation of the non-contact remote control. Firstly, in this paper, the photostrictive characteristics of PLZT ceramics and the working mechanism of two actuators are elaborated; And then, introduce a PLZT bimorph actuators light control Microgripper, and giving a 3D modeling; Studied the influence of light intensity, PLZT ceramic displacement ratio in the clamping jaws and the clamping force of the microgripper; Using finite element software to check device of microgripper, and to analysis holding displacement bimorph deflection simulation, and the simulation results are consistent with the theoretical analysis.
Keywords  Microgripper  PLZT Ceramics  Actuator   FEM Simulation
1.引言    3
1.1 研究背景及意义    3
1.2 国内外研究现状    3
1.3 课题研究内容    7
2.PLZT陶瓷光致伸缩特性及其作动器构型    8
2.1    PLZT陶瓷光致形变机理    8
2.2    PLZT陶瓷光致伸缩本构方程    9
2.3 光致伸缩作动器构型及工作原理    11
3.光控微夹钳的结构设计    15
3.1 设计方案选取    15
3.2 基于双晶片作动器微夹钳放大结构设计    20
3.3 柔性铰链校核    22
3.4 三文建模    24
4.光控微夹钳夹持特性分析    25
4.1 夹持力分析    25
4.2 钳口位移分析    30
5.光控微夹钳有限元仿真分析    33
5.1 ANSYS有限元软件介绍    33
5.2 柔性铰链仿真校核与光控微夹钳整体最大变形仿真校核    34
5.3 夹持位移仿真分析    36
5.4 PLZT双晶片挠度仿真    43
结论    45
致谢    46
参考文献    47
1 引言
1.1 研究背景及意义
随着纳米技术的发展,科学研究的对象向着微小、超精密领域不断拓展,机器人所需要操作的对象也从宏观领域扩展到了亚微米、纳米级的微观领域。为了完成更加细微和精密的操作,对系统的精度提出了更高的要求,而许多应用中都需要用到微米甚至纳米级的定位精度。纳米级定位精度是指能够完成0.1nm-100nm范围内的位置驱动、检测、定位以及控制。作为一种典型微执行器的微夹钳,在微装配、微机械零件加工和生物工程等方面都具有较广泛的应用。对于静电驱动、压电驱动、电热驱动和电磁驱动等现存的微夹钳,往往需要用到导线连接,且易受到电磁的干扰;而液体粘附微夹持器对零件的形状要求严格,不能适用于所有的零件;微小零件又容易受到静电吸引、电磁干扰和热损坏等影响。因此,急需一种易于控制且不易受电磁干扰的非接触式微夹钳装置。 基于PLZT光致形变特性的光控微夹钳设计分析与仿真研究:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_12553.html