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时间:2022-11-03 22:38来源:毕业论文


目前,各国机器人研究员主要对机器人的机械结构,驱动方式,功能特性,自由度分配这几个方面进行研究来加强机器人的各种性能。并且通过仿生学人体行走的步态特征,在髋关节和踝关节设计了二自由度的空间并联机构在膝关节用单自由度的连杆进行连接。通过舵机机器人的安装和整合的形式,尽量将机器人的机械结构仿造人体学体现出来,使其在进行运作时能符合运动学的规律。在进行机械结构设计后通过solidworks三维建模软件绘制形象的三维图形。对于机器人行走时稳定性依据,在这里给出零力矩点(ZMP)定理,通过各个部位形成的力矩和惯性来分析双足机构的稳定性后,再通过WAY STUDIO机器人仿真平台对其运动进行步态仿真。


Abstract As an emerging industry now, biped robot consistent as one of the major projects in various countries, it brings together a intelligent, automation and information of all aspects of high tip field test research personnel's comprehensive ability。And other forms of robot contrast down, the biped robot in all aspects has more flexible reflected, whether it is assisting humans in the daily activities and tasks to complete, or is in the harsh environment, human difficult to achieve the high degree of difficulty of the operation。So it is very important to study the robot with great academic value and economic value。 Research of biped robot is the most important step is the most important step is to make the biped robot can steady state。 From the point of view of bionics, the robot is analyzed by imitating human walking posture, and the mechanical structure design and motion simulation of biped robot are completed。

At present, the robot researchers in various countries are mainly about the mechanical structure, driving mode, functional characteristics, and the distribution of freedom of the robot。And through the human body bionics walking gait feature, the hip and ankle joints design spatial parallel mechanism with two degrees of freedom in the knee joint with single degree of freedom of the connecting rod are connected。 Through the robot servo installation and integration of the form, as far as possible the mechanical structure of the robot imitation human science reflected, which can meet the kinematics in the operation of law。After the mechanical structure design, through the SolidWorks 3D modeling software to draw the image of the three-dimensional graphics。For when the robot is walking stability basis, in here give a zero moment point (ZMP) theorem, formed by various parts of torque and inertia to analyze the stability of the biped mechanism, through the way studio robot simulation platform of the movement were gait simulation。

  Key words:   Biped robot; SolidWorks model; ZMP theorem; motion simulation

目  录

第一章:绪论 1

 1。1双足步行机器人的背景 1

 1。2双足步行机器人的研究意义 Solidworks双足步行机器人机械结构设计+仿真模型:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_101453.html
