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时间:2023-12-13 19:52来源:毕业论文

摘  要:网上超市是目前在Internet里使用比较广的在线网站之一。网上超市,给人们提供了一个可以在线购买商品的平台,这平台给人们带来了方便快捷的服务,人们可以不需要出去就能买到喜欢的商品。而且这系统也为工作人员提供了很大方便,工作人员可以通过计算机完成商品的添加、删除等一系列管理操作,不用像传统方式那样所有工作都需要人工处理。为了方便人们购买商品,故而开发了这个网上超市。本说明书介绍了网上超市系统设计的关键技术和系统设计的开发过程,本文主要从系统需求分析,总体设计,系统的功能实现和系统测试等多个方面展开叙述。本系统使用asp。net,采取Microsoft Visual Studio2010开发,以SQL Server2008存储系统的数据,基于B/S架构,用户可通过浏览器访问。本系统的预期效果是:用户注册登录来实现商品购买等功能,管理员实现发布商品以及处理订单等功能。91971


Abstract: The online supermarket system is one of the most widely used online systems on Internet。 Online supermarket, to provide a platform for people to buy goods online, the platform for people to provide a convenient and efficient service, people can not go out to buy their favorite items。 And this system also provides great convenience for the staff, the staff can be finished by computer commodity add, delete a series of management operation, not like the traditional way that all jobs require manual processing。 In order to facilitate people to buy goods, the development of the online supermarket。This manual introduces the design of online supermarket system design and key technology of system development process, this paper analysis the overall design, mainly from the demand of the system, many aspects of system function realization and system test of narrative。 The system uses asp。net technology, using Microsoft Visual Studio2010, SQL Server2008 database storage system data, based on the B/S architecture, users can access through the browser。The expected effect of this system is: user login to achieve the purchase of goods and other functions, the administrator to achieve the release of goods and processing orders and other functions。

Keywords:online supermarket, asp。net, b/s architecture

目   录

1  绪论 4

1。1  研究背景 4

1。2  研究现状 4

1。3  开发意义 6

2  开发工具简介 6

2。1  Visual Studio2010简介 6

2。2  SQL Server2008简介 6

2。3  B/S架构简介 6

2。4  ASP。NET简介 7

2。5  开发环境 7

3  系统需求分析 7

3。1  功能需求分析 7

3。2  可行性分析 8

3。3  系统性能需求分析 9

3。4  系统运行流程图 10

4  总体设计 12

4。1  系统的功能模块结构图 12

4。2  数据库设计 12

5  系统功能实现 18 asp.net+sqlserver网上超市的设计+源代码:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_199559.html
