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时间:2021-01-16 13:54来源:毕业论文

摘要: 本次毕业设计的课题内容为基于Web校友录管理系统的开发,课题的主要设计结果为一个创建可以用于师生交流的一个平台,并且它可以很好的区分管理员和一般用户。同时本次课题还主要围绕着通用、简单、对硬件要求低等几个方面的要求,因此通过对市场的调查和对常用编程软件的分析之后,选用了常见的asp.net作为编程语言并用sql作为后台数据库,这样就可以很好的避免了兼容性的问题,极大的解决了很多用户会无法使用的问题。本次编程的难点在于管理系统部分,要求管理员对于后台的数据库可以直观的通过网页修改。同时,通过此次课题的编写,我发现校友录的设计其实是一个小型的管理系统,可以通过对页面,功能的小幅度修改,从而完成一个通用化的管理系统模块,供其他类型的用户使用。62223


毕业论文关键词: 校友录;管理系统;Asp.Net;数据库;通用系统;轻便

The development of alumni management system based on Web

Abstract: This Graduation design’s topic is to development a management system for the alumni directory on web.The main design result of the topic is to make a platform which can be used for the communication between teachers and students.And it can be very good to distinguish between the administrator and the general user.At the same time the subject is mainly around the general, simple, low requirements of the hardware requirements.Therefore, through the investigation of the market and the analysis of the commonly used programming software.Select the common asp.net as the programming language and use SQL as the background database.This can be a good way to avoid the problem of compatibility,A great solution to many users will not be able to use the problem.The difficulty of this programming lies in the management system.Requires the administrator for the background database can be directly through the web page.For this problem.After ask the teacher and classmates,I have  

some understanding of how to achieve the admin management module.Then completed the preparation.However,through the preparation of the subject.I found that the design of alumni directory is actually a small management system.It can be a general management system module through a minor modification on web page and function.To make a system for other types of users

Article is pided into five parts: Part 1 (Chapter 1) on the use of the software are introduced in this paper, Part 2 (Chapter 2) mainly on a variety of software development were analyzed, the third part (Chapter 3) discusses the software design, Part 4 (Chapter 4) of the software were tested, Part 5 (5,6) to complete the design are summarized.

Keywords: Alumni Directory; Management System; Asp.Net; Data Base; General System; Llight


摘要 i

Abstract i

目录 iii

1 绪论 1

1.1 ASP.NET简介 1


1.3 ASP.NET特点 2

1.4 ASP.NET发展形势 4

1.5 校友录以及相关管理程序的国内外现状 5 asp.net校友录管理系统的开发:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_68361.html
