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时间:2022-09-24 21:19来源:毕业论文



Theory of Garment in Dustry Problems of Cultural Marketing And Strategy

Abstract: With the development of era and people living standard rise, consumer behavior is becoming more and more with "culture", thus become a new hot spot of today's enterprise marketing culture marketing。 Cultural marketing is the joint outcome of economic activity and social cultural factor, it is a kind of marketing mode。 In this paper, the current China garment industry culture marketing, discussed such as culture idea too one-sided, lack of cultural personality shaping products, price standard do not pay enough attention to the lack of cultural factors, the promotion process, cultural marketing problems such as lack of talent resources, and puts forward the cultural marketing strategy, brand marketing strategy, product culture marketing strategy, sales promotion price cultural marketing strategy, talent strategy such as marketing strategy to promote the culture of garment industry marketing level。 

Keywords: Clothing industry; Cultural marketing; Strategy

目    录

摘  要 1

Abstract 1

一、文化营销概述 2

(一)文化营销的概念 2

(二)服装文化营销的内涵 3

(三)服装文化营销的重要性 3

二、我国服装行业文化营销的发展现状 4

三、我国服装行业文化营销存在的问题 5

(一)文化理念过于片面 5

(二)产品品牌缺乏文化性 5

(三)服装价格标准缺乏文化因素 6

(四)在促销方面缺乏文化性质 6

 (五) 缺乏专业的文化营销人才 6

四、提升我国服装行业文化营销水平的对策 7

(一)产品文化营销策略 7

(二)品牌文化营销策略 8

(三)价格文化营销策略 9

(四)促销文化营销策略 10

(五)培养专业性比较高的营销人才 11

参考文献 12

致谢 13



现阶段中国经济呈现出新常态的趋势,经济结构不断优化升级,第三产业消费需求逐步成为主体。服装产业属于第三产业,第三产业在新的时代得到了迅猛的发展,同时中国的服装产业得到了全方位的进步。随着服装产业的逐步繁荣,服饰文化充满了鲜明的时代性特征,它既是文明物质的结晶,又具有精神文明的含义。新时代是消费产品同质化的社会,很多服装企业为了独树一帜,纷纷采纳文化营销的模式进行经营。其实服装行业文化营销就是把文化与服装市场营销进行完美结合,它超越了经济市场传统的营销模式,更加具有现代性、时代性、创新性和综合性。 服装行业文化营销中存在问题与对策:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_99755.html
