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时间:2022-08-02 21:54来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词  保险资金  举牌  险资特征  运作模式

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title A analysis of characteristics of insurance funds into the market ——With 

     the example of venture capital invest A-share listed companies                                                               


In recent years, China's insurance market is more and more open, and China's insurance market competition is more and more big。However, the benefit of our traditional insurance business is in reducing year by year, and even into the red。In this case, the capital operation becomes the important source of our country insurance company profits。This article first to introduce the operation pattern of insurance funds and the characteristics of insurance funds 。And then collect the recent insurance fund raising major cases of listed companies in our country, through descriptive analysis of sample data, and raising the average excess returns and accumulated excess returns before and after the changes of T test。 The comparison shows that risk capital entering the market the stock of short-term yields have a positive impact。And raising the company's operating performance has a positive effect,。 On the current risk into the market company, summarized the characteristics of analysis, and analysis the cause of the risk information in the market, risk investment operation related Suggestions are put forward。

Keywords  Insurance funds  Invest  Mode of Operation  Characteristic of Risk Capital

目   次

1 引言 1

文献综述 2

2。1国外文献综述 2

2。2国内文献综述 2

3 保险资金的特征及投资证券市场的运作模式 5

3。1 保险资金的特征 5

3。1。1 保险资金总体特征 5

3。1。2寿险资金的特点 5

3。1。3非寿险资金的特征 6

3。2保险资金投资证券市场的运作模式 6

3。3我国保险资金运用的现状 8

4 近期保险资金举牌上市公司的事件研究 9

4。1 研究方法 9

4。1。1 事件窗口期和估计期的确定 9

4。1。2选择估算正常收益率的模型 9
