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时间:2020-10-24 11:39来源:毕业论文



Strategy and analysis of small and micro foreign trade enterprises with the help of We-Chat marketing 


In the gradual popularization of the We-Chat application of the moment, the use of We-Chat's public to achieve new online marketing has become a new promoting marketing approach for small micro foreign trade enterprises .In this paper, based on the small micro foreign trade enterprises with the help of micro channel marketing to proceed the market development , mainly analysis the strategy of development ,status and trends of micro channel number of the public,and then explore the feasibility of micro channel marketing , analysis how to get the opportunity with glutinous rice wine to carry on the example analysis. Finally, looking for business opportunities. Through a good use of the We-chat public number , you can promote their own products to achieve a higher share of the market,so as to achieve the ultimate goal of economic benefits.

Keywords:small and micro foreign trade enterprises;We-chat public number;business opportunity

0 引言 1

1 商家借助微信公众号开拓市场发展概述 1

1.1 微信公众号的产生和发展 1

1.2 小微外贸企业微信营销的发展现状 1

1.3 小微外贸企业微信营销的发展趋势 2

2 小微外贸企业微信营销的可行性分析 3

2.1 小微外贸企业投资微信公众号的必要性 3

2.2 微信公众号带给小微外贸企业商机的技术可行性 3

2.3 小微外贸企业借助微信公众号成功营销的实现条件 5

3 微信营销的案例分析 6

4 小微外贸企业如何借助微信公众号寻觅商机 8

4.1 通过订阅号寻找商机 8

4.2 通过服务号寻找商机 9

4.3 通过企业号寻找商机 9

4.4 优化微信公众号的搜索排名 10

4.5 利用中介来推广企业微信公众号  11

4.6 借助推特和脸书加速小微外贸企业走向国际  12

结论 13

致谢 14

参考文献 15


0 引言

微信公众号是开发者或者企业在微信的公众平台上申请的应用账号,该账号与QQ帐号是互通的。通过公众号,企业能够在微信平台上与特定的群体进行文字、图片、语音和视频的全方位沟通和互动,这样就成为了一种线上线下互动营销的新型方式。企业可以利用微信公众号平台发布自身的产品,从而迅速地增加本产品的用户,从而让企业的产品在比较短的时间内快速进入消费者的生活,这便是微信公众号最大的运营商机。对小微外贸企业而言,如何更好的通过微信公众号实现其经济利益最大化的经营目标尤其是现在以及后期需要重点研究的经济命题。 小微外贸企业借助微信公众号寻觅商机的策略分析:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_63542.html
