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时间:2017-05-01 17:08来源:毕业论文

摘要本文基于中小企业融资难的现实问题而引出存货质押融资,并阐释了存货质押融资业务的发展过程。针对存货动态质押融资中因价格波动和隐藏信息道德风险带来的价值风险问题,首先建立了概率模型分析了存货价格随机波动时质押率的确定,同时利用博弈论分析了动态质押期间的隐藏信息问题的处理方法, 并得出结论:为减少价值风险,敦促中小企业按时还贷,银行需要分析质押物的历史数据设立相应的质押率以及下侧风险标准;为减少隐藏信息带来的危害,银行需要对物流企业隐藏信息行为进行一定的惩罚,但是力度不能太大,否则会事与愿违。7888
关键词  存货动态质押融资;价值风险; 价格波动;动态博弈;中小企业
毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
Title    Analysis on the value of inventory financing risk control problems                                                                       
This article are based on the reality of SME financing problems and then leads to inventory financing, it illustrates the development process of the inventory financing business at the same time. Due to the presence of price volatility and the behavior of hiddening information  in the business, we use the probabilistic model to determine the pledge rate, while  use the game theory to analyze the dynamic pledge during the processing of non-compliance, and concluded that: In order to reduce the value of risk, urged the SMEs to repay on time, the  banks need to analyze  historical data to establish collateral pledge and  the low  side of the risk criteria. In order to reduce the risk of hiddening information , the banks need to punish this behavior ,while the intensity is not too large ,otherwise it will backfire
Keywords  inventory financing ;risk of value; price fluctuations; dynamic game model; Small and medium-sized enterprises
1 引言    1
1.1研究背景    1
1.2国内外研究现状    1
1.3研究方法    3
2 存货质押融资业务    4
2.1 存货质押融资特点    4
2.2 存货质押融资的业务发展过程    5
2.3 存货质押融资业务存在的价值风险    6
3价值风险中的价格波动风险    7
3.1价格服从一般分布时基本模型和分析    7
4 价值风险中的隐藏信息道德风险    10
4.1 存货质押融资博弈模型分析    10
5 解决存货质押融资价值风险问题的对策    12
结论    15
致  谢    16
参 考 文 献    17
1 引言
存货质押融资是指借方企业将其拥有的存货作为担保,向资金提供方如银行出质,同时将质物转交给具有合法保管动产资格的物流企业(中介方)进行保管,以获得贷款的业务活动,属于物流企业参与下的一类动产质押融资业务,在存货质押融资研究领域。 存货质押融资业务的价值风险控制问题研究:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_6012.html