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时间:2020-07-21 11:39来源:毕业论文


本文在系统阐述了我国机电产品利用FDI与其技术进步现状的基础上,通过测试全要素生产率与FDI的相关性,说明两者间存在相关性。然后利用Eviews软件进行回归分析,从不同技术水平的角度说明FDI对我国机电产品技术进步的影响。结果表明: 2000年以来我国机电产品吸引FDI的质量有所提高的同时,其带来的技术效应因为FDI本身的结构和方式变化也发生了较大变化。实证研究发现:FDI对机电产品整体的直接效应是正向显著的,其溢出效应是不明显且负的;同时FDI对于机电产品不同技术水平的行业影响也不同。在此基础上提出更好利用FDI的建议。

Abstract:With the development of economic globalization, the economic ties between the countries even more closely. Foreign direct investment as a sign of economic globalization, and its position among countries not only strengthened. FDI inflows, not only invested capital, it is management experience, advanced technology inflows, and thus FDI in developing countries has become an important way to promote their technological progress. As a developing country, China, in order to attract more foreign investment is not only introduced a number of preferential policies at the same time, we put forward a "market for technology" policy to attract foreign investment. However, while a large inflow of foreign capital, as China's pillar industries of mechanical and electrical products, which export is still low value-added processing trade, mainly concentrated in the low-tech manufacturing. At the same time high mechanical and electrical products of foreign dependence, so that our country does not have the core technology advantages, long past, and the unfavorable development of Chinese electromechanical industry. Therefore, the impact of FDI on the mechanical and electrical products and technological progress is crucial.

This paper describes the system of electromechanical products Utilization of FDI on the basis of its technical progress, by testing the correlation of TFP and FDI, indicating that there is a correlation between the two. Then use Eviews software regression analysis on the impact of FDI on the Technological Progress of electromechanical products from the point of view of different skill levels. The results showed that: electromechanical products in China since 2000 to attract quality FDI has improved at the same time, the technical effect because it brings changes in the structure and way of FDI itself has also changed greatly. Positive findings: FDI electromechanical products overall direct effect is significantly positive, and its spillover effect is not obvious and negative; while FDI impact mechanical and electrical products industry skill levels are also different. Better use of FDI proposals put forward on this basis.

毕业论文关键词:外商直接投资;机电产品; 技术进步; 溢出效应

Key:FDI;Electronics ;Technology Progress; Spillover Effect


引言 FDI对我国机电产品技术进步的影响研究:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_56733.html
