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时间:2020-03-10 11:01来源:毕业论文

Since the reform and the opening up,Guangdong province has made remarkable achievements in the introducing and using of foreign capital. Guangdong province is the earliest province which introduces FDI. To  study the way they use foreign direct investment , the situation of economic development and the effects of foreign direct investment, from the angle of improving the quality of economic development ,to explore foreign direct investment broughting contribution to the sustainable development of economy in Guangdong province or form the block. It will provide guidance and reference about foreign capital utilization and the economic growth mode transformation for other provinces in our country.
In this paper, we study the foreign direct investment of Guangdong province from four aspects. At first, i discuss the general situation of foreign direct investment in Guangdong province, including the background and historical process of foreign direct investment in Guangdong province. Then the paper discusses the present situation of the foreign direct investment in Guangdong province. And next discusses the effect of foreign direct investment in Guangdong province .Finally I give some advice.
Key words: foreign direct investment ; economic growth; trade;employment;
positive effect
目  录
第一章  广东省外商直接投资的发展历程    1
1.1广东省外商直接投资的背景    1
1.2广东省外商直接投资的历史进程    1
第二章  广东省外商直接投资的现状    3
2.1广东省外商直接投资的现状分析    3
2.2广东省外商直接投资的现状的特点    6
2.3广东省外商直接投资的现存的问题    7
第三章  广东省外商直接投资的效应分析    9
3.1广东省外商直接投资对经济增长的效应    9
3.2广东省外商直接投资对贸易的效应    10
3.3广东省外商直接投资对就业的效应    13
第四章  深化广东省外商直接投资的积极效应的对策分析    15
4.1广东省外商直接投资的政策建议    15
结束语    17
致  谢    18
参考文献    19
第一章  广东省外商直接投资的发展历程
在经济全球化的大背景之下,我们国家的经济与世界经济的联系日益紧密,一个国家要想真正地进行全球化,外商直接投资无疑是其中一条很重要的渠道。外商直接投资相比于其他国际资本流动的形式,具有很高的稳定性,因此外商直接投资受到了各个国家的喜爱,而且因为其拥有很高的稳定性,所以与经济危机并没有很大的关联,更加适合发展中国家。自从1980年以来,世界上各发展中国家都在努力地采取各种措施来吸引外商直接投资。我们国家也在改革开放政策的引导之下大力地创造了各种条件来吸引外商直接投资。广东省因其拥有得天独厚的地理优势,是我国进行改革开放的排头兵,成为了我国最早引入外资的省份。 广东省外商直接投资的现状和效应分析:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_48001.html