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时间:2021-03-10 21:01来源:毕业论文


关键词:   资本回报率    中小企业    区域    所有制   相关性

毕业论文外文 摘 要

Title The Correlation Research about Investment Return of Small and Medium-sized Enterprise in Jiangsu province


This article is research about investment return of chemical fiber manufacturing small and medium-sized enterprises in jiangsu province between 1998 and 2007  And calculate  all kinds enterprise net return on capital and return on total capital, observe the conclusion as follows: first of all, the owner's equity of enterprise is negative will damage the social benefit , and others enterprises owner's investment return first falling volatility and late to rise. The returns on capital have significant differences in the enterprises of different regions in jiangsu province, southern jiangsu region is lower. The third part is about the return on capital of enterprises of different ownership. The lowest return on capital is state-owned enterprises, private enterprises and collective enterprises return on capital is higher, and the foreign capital enterprise development potential is higher. I also found that the improvement of enterprise technology can improve the enterprise return on capital.

Keywords  Rate of capital return, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises,Region, Ownership, Correlation

1绪论 1

1.1引言 1

1.2研究意义 1

1.3研究方向 2

2文献综述 3

3研究理论和方法 6

3.1资本回报率定义 6

3.2估测方法 6

3.3数据来源 7

4研究结果及相关讨论 9

4.1江苏省资本回报率估测结果和趋势分析 9

4.2资本回报率影响因素分析 13

结  论 16

致  谢 18

参考文献 19



2006年5月世界银行披露了一份中国经济运行的季度分析报告,该报告中估测了中国的净资本收益率。报告显示1998年到2005年期间中国的国有企业和非国有企业的净资本回报率均有了大幅提高,因而中国企业能够有大量的自留利润用于再投资。这份报告看似普通,却在学术界引起了强烈争议。美国新桥投资的合伙人单伟建博士(2006)对该报告提出了强烈的质疑,他认为虽然近年来中国资本回报率获得了一定的增长,但中国的投资回报率被世行高估了,世行报告中的企业投资较大部分来自自留利润的观点他同样也不赞成。世行报告作者KuijsandHofman(2006)对单博士的观点给以回应,认为单伟建博士误解了报告中的相关统计数据和经济学概念,没有正确表达他们的观点。随后双方各抒己见,激烈的讨论使得许多经济学者对这个看似简单的资本回报率问题产生了兴趣。一时间“投资回报率”这个看似普通的财务指标在财经评论中被高度提及。开题报告 江苏省中小企业资本回报差异性分析:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_71219.html
