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时间:2019-05-27 13:06来源:毕业论文

Farmland Protection of International Experience and Enlightenment to China
Abstract: China, as a large agricultural country with a population of developing agriculture in our country has been identified as tranquility, stability of the people of strategic industries. This article will expand our farmland preservation, analysis of the current problems in the protection of farmland, and a combination of agricultural achievements of international protection experience of developed countries, put forward proposals for a more favorable country farmland protection. Firstly, the current situation of agricultural land, land use aspects of relevant policies and measures and the protection of agricultural land in terms of the protection of agricultural land to do a general overview. Then the introduction of agricultural land the United States, Britain, Japan and other developed countries, the experience of protection. Finally, China's actual situation Interpreting farmland protection experience of enlightenment to China, from the improvement of legislation to protect and enhance the persity of agricultural land and other aspects of civic responsibility departure protect agricultural land.
Key words:Farmland protection; International experience; Enlightenment
目    录
摘  要    1
Abstract.    1
一、我国农地保护的现状及问题    2
(一)我国农地保护现状    2
(二)我国农地保护面临的突出问题    3
二、国际农地保护经验分析    4
(一)美国农业土地保护经验    4
(二)日本农业土地保护经验    6
(三)英国农业土地保护经验    6
三、农地保护的国际经验对中国的启示    7
(一)加强农地保护手段及目标多样性    7
(二)尊重农地产权人的意愿    8
(三)鼓励公众积极参与    8
(四)完善法律法规体系    9
(五)发挥政府和市场的作用    10
参考文献    11
致谢    12
“民以食为天,土为农之本”,说明农业土地作为一种资源是人类赖以生存和发展的物质基础,同时一个国家社会经济的可持续发展对足够的农地资源也是离不开的,农业土地资源直接影响人民群众的物质生活水平。从我国国情来看,我国是一个人口众多、人均农地水平低的发展中国家,因而农业土地资源对于我国来说是至关重要。我国农村经济和农业生产的发展离不开农业土地提供的生产资料与物资基础,国家的快速发展同时促进了我国农业增长,而以农业作为经济发展的基础进而也促进了国民经济的进一步的增长与发展。同时,土地农用还具有生态价值,涵养水源、净化空气、美化景观效果。尽管土地资源是可更新资源,但是,一旦土地资源投入非农用途,再要变回农用土地就很难。特别是在我国耕地资源短缺、土地供求矛盾日益尖锐的现实情况下,实施积极的农地保护政策就成为中国政府的必然选择,采取必要的农地保护政策无疑具有重大的现实意义。 农地保护的国际经验及对中国的启示:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_33874.html