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时间:2022-06-04 13:58来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词:反倾销 钢铁出口 贸易摩擦 

Abstract:Under the current WTO framework, anti-dumping has became a trade protection measure which is used most commonly。 Over the past few years, with China's steel export do a substantial increase in trade, frequent trading partners to resist anti-dumping retaliation。 China's foreign trade relations and the development of the steel industry has a certain impact, it is necessary through theoretical and empirical point of view to analyze China's steel exports encountered anti-dumping reasons。 This article want to analyze the influence of steel exports and the reason why we suffer anti-dumping by the current situation of China's steel exports。At last,l make some suggestions about the iron and steel industry to further enhance the international competitiveness, to consolidate the status of the international, to increase national economic income, deal with trade friction, and better promote national economic development。

KeyWords: Anti-dumping Steel-export Trade-friction


前言 1

一、概述 2

(一)反倾销的定义 2

1。 反倾销的措施 2

2。 反倾销的特点 2

(二)中国钢铁出口的现状 3

(三)中国钢铁产品出口遭遇反倾销调查的现状 7

二、反倾销对我国钢铁出口贸易的影响 10

(一)出口贸易量缩减,国际市场的开拓与维持遭遇阻碍 10

(二)出口不畅,冲击了国内市场 10

(三)钢铁企业经营状态恶化,产业整体发展缓慢 10

(四)影响外商投资环境 11

三、中国钢铁产品出口频繁遭遇反倾销的原因分析 12

(一)外部因素 12

1。 贸易自由化被广泛接受 12

2。 受经济一体化的影响 12

3。 相关法律条例不够完善,致使一些国家频繁实施反倾销 13

4。 我国非市场经济地位问题 13

(二)内部因素 13

1。 国际钢铁市场需求不足、产能过剩问题 13

2。 我国钢铁出口价格低廉 14

3。 钢铁产品出口结构不合理,附加值低 14

4。 我国钢铁产品技术含量较低,企业规模小竞争力弱 15

5。 我国钢铁行业市场集中度低,难以发挥规模经济效应 反倾销对中国钢铁出口贸易的影响与分析:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_94880.html
