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时间:2019-05-21 12:51来源:毕业论文

2014 Depreciation of the RMB against the U.S.Dollar of Causes and Effects
Abstract:Since the first half of 2014, the RMB against the U.S. dollar continued to depreciate sharply, which broke many have long expected, has a great influence on our country. The devaluation caused by many reasons, both the fundamentals of China's economic weakness and the central bank to fight against "hot money" and other reasons, there are reasons for international, for example America exit QE policy and international down on our expectations and so on down. The impact on our country, both beneficial effects that to promote economic development, combating the hot money speculation, to some extent inhibited the property market fluctuate and so on, and adverse effects that result in the outflow of funds partly and to expand the cost of the enterprise and so on , but on the whole still do more harm than good. The negative effects we can't follow one's own inclination, inpiduals, companies and countries all three should adopt positive coping strategies, to draw on the advantages and avoid disadvantages.
 Key words: Rate of the RMB against the U.S.dollarr; Depreciation; Reason; Influence;   Response
目    录

摘  要    1
Abstract    1
一、 2014年以来人民币对美元贬值的原因    3
 (一)我国经济发展速度放缓    3
 (二)央行出手打击“热钱”    4
 (三)出于对美量化宽松政策退出对我国产生冲击的担忧    5
 (四)国外众多银行都对我国经济预期进行下调    6
 (五)境外资产的吸引力增加    6
二、 2014年以来人民币对美元贬值的影响    8
 (一)人民币对美元贬值带来的积极影响    8
 (二) 人民币对美元贬值带来的消极影响    11
三、 应对2014年以来人民币对美元贬值的策略    12
(一) 个人应对人民币对美元贬值的策略    12
(二) 企业应对人民币对美元贬值的策略    13
(三) 国家应对人民币对美元贬值的策略    13
参考文献    16
致   谢    17
   2014年上半年以来人民币对美元汇率的贬值打破了近几年来人民币只升不贬的预期,出现了持续的较大幅度的贬值。在2013年年底时人民币对美元的汇率为1美元=6.1160元人民币,2014年一月份时人民币对美元汇率为1美元=6.1043元人民币,从二月开始人民币开始对美元贬值,2—6月1美元分别等于6.1128、6.1358、6.1553、6.1636,人民币兑美元即期汇率全年累计下跌1501个基点,贬值幅度达2.42%,是2005年汇率改革以来首次年度下跌。这不仅对国内的产生了巨大的影响,而且在国际上也引起了一定的影响。人民币汇率的这次大幅度的反弹不仅影响了商品市场,还有金融市场,更引起了许多专家学者的兴趣,他们纷纷研究人民币对美元这次贬值的原因和造成的影响,也提出了许多的应对策略。 人民币对美元贬值的原因影响分析:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_33648.html