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时间:2018-12-02 13:31来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:系统性风险 β系数 CAPM模型  商业银行
 The beta coefficient of the listed commercial Banks in China
Abstract: Systemic risk is highly contagious and devastating, and it has always been a hot issue in the financial sector research. The systemic risk of Commercial Bank is more universal and extensive features. With the gradual opening up of China's banking sector, China's banking industry will be integrated to the fluctuations in the international banking system, in addition to the status of China's financial sector continue to rise and the increasing number of listed commercial banks. Therefore, measurement and research of China's commercial banking system risk status is of vital importance for China's financial markets and the world financial markets.
In this paper, we set out from the concept of bank systemic risk to explain features and significance of the bank systemic risk. Secondly, it introduces a measure of systemic risk and β coefficients relating to the CAPM. Then this paper, empirical analysis, selection of four commercial banks listed as a sample bank, using a linear regression method to calculate its β coefficient in 2013 -2014 years, obtained the last two years of commercial banking system risk larger conclusions. Finally, according to the findings, it gives four policy recommendations about China's commercial banks against systemic risk situation.
Key Words:Systemic risk,  Beta coefficient,  the CAPM,  Commercial banks
一、引言    1
(一)研究背景及意义    2
(二)研究内容与方法    3
二、文献综述    4
三、理论分析    5
(一)系统性风险    5
(二)CAPM模型    5
(三)银行业系统性风险    6
四、实证分析    8
(一)样本选择    8
(二)实证思路介绍    10
1.上市商业银行β系数估计    10
2.金融行业β系数估计    12
(三)实证结果分析总结    13
五、防范银行系统性风险的建议    14
(一)防范策略    14
1.全面提高风险管理技术水平    14
2.完善信息披露机制    15
3.优化资产结构    15
4.加强国际合作    16
(二)总结    16
参考文献    1
自从2008年美国金融危机爆发,因为金融机构之间存在打包再销售的业务往来,导致这场危机自上而下迅速演变成一场全球性金融危机。全球性金融危机的发生,给人们正常的生活秩序带来了严重的影响。我国经济增长随着金融危机造成的出口速度下降而放缓,与此同时,由于经济增长放缓,使整个社会的就业压力也因此增加。因此,各国政府都相继不同程度地采取了各种相关措施,以防止经济下滑和救助金融机构,然而这一行动又引发了债务危机,例如2009年末爆发的迪拜债务危机、2010年爆发的欧洲债务危机。2011年,欧债危机又向法国等国家延伸,欧洲地区国家的银行业因而受到了严重威胁。由此可见,金融危机的影响并未停止脚步。人们开始意识到,系统性风险的巨大传染性与极度的负外部性将对金融体系的稳定构成越来越严重的威胁。因此,对各个国家来说,对系统性风险的监管已经成为当前有待解决的重要问题。 我国上市商业银行β系数研究:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_26880.html