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时间:2021-10-19 20:11来源:毕业论文


Abstract: With the rise of the creative economy worldwide, gradual transition from industrial economy form to knowledge economy form in developed countries。 Since 1998, South Korea proposed "cultural nation" 。 So far, the creative economy has become its strategic industry leading industries, promote the development of creative industries in Korea entered the ranks of emerging countries。 However, China is in its infancy and creative economic development, still have not formed a complete industrial chain。From a comparative study of the trade status of creative products and the trade competition index, it shows that the overall trade competitiveness of China’s cultural and creative products is higher than that in South Korea, China’s trade competitive advantage is concentrated on the design and the crafts of traditional creative and cultural products, the competitiveness of new media and other new type of cultural and creative products has been improved notably, and the trade structure needs to be upgraded and optimized。 In recent years, the design and new media of South Korea is much more competitive, and its trade structure is becoming reasonable。


Keyword: innovative products; cultural trade; trade competitiveness; comparative study 

目   录

1引言 4

1。1选题背景和研究意义 4

1。1。1选题背景 4

1。1。2研究意义 4

1。2研究内容 4

1。3研究方法 4

1。4本文的创新点与不足之处 5

2文献综述 5

2。1相关概念的界定及基本认识 5

2。2文化创意产业的相关研究 5

2。3文化创意产品贸易竞争力 7

3中韩文化创意产品贸易发展现状 8

3。1中韩两国文化创意产品贸易规模现状 8

3。2中韩两国文化创意产品产品结构现状 9

4中韩文化创意产品贸易竞争力比较分析 中韩文化创意产品贸易竞争力的比较研究:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_83159.html
