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时间:2018-10-26 15:26来源:毕业论文

A Study on the Impact of Shadow Bank Scale on the Stability of Commercial Banks in China
Abstract:In this paper, we analyzed the negative and positive effects of the shadow banking on the stability of the banking system in China with the qualitative and the quantitative analysis,and to measure the scale of shadow banking and commercial banking stability. This thesis established nonlinear regression model to research the relationship between the scale of Chinese shadow banking scale and commercial banking stability from 2006-2015.,combined with OLS regression model ,the ADF test,cointegration test,Granger causality test methods.The results showed that  there is a "U" relationship between the size of shadow banking and the stability of the banking system,and the threshold value is 12.87 trillion, when the shadow bank is below the threshold, its development helps to improve the stability of the banking system and vice versa. Therefore, based on the research conclusion, this paper proposes to establish a perfect regulatory system and  improve the ability of shadow bank asset management.
Key words:shadow banking ; commercial bank ; stability
目  录
摘要    1
关键词    1
Abstract    1
Key words    1
一、引言    2
二、文献综述    2
 (一)国外研究现状    2
(二)国内研究现状    2
三、影子银行及其影响    3
(一)我国影子银行概念界定    3
(二)我国影子银行对商业银行稳定性的影响    4
1.影子银行増强商业银行稳定性的作用机制    4
2.影子银行削弱商业银行稳定性的作用机制    4
四、影子银行对商业银行稳定性影响的实证分析    5
(一)商业银行稳定性测度    5
1.测算指标的选取    5
2.测算体系的构建    6
3.数据处理    6
(二)影子银行规模测度    8
(三)实证分析    9
1.ADF单位根检验    9
2.协整检验    10
3.Granger因果关系检验    10
4.OLS模型回归    11
(四)实证结果及分析    11
五、结论与建议    11
致谢    12
参考文献    12
近年,随着经济全球化和金融创新改革的推进,影子银行规模日益扩大,中国的影子银行可以综合为在传统银行体系外,具有流动性和信用创造功能,但存在系统性和监管套利风险的信用中介体系。中国的影子银行自2010年诞生以来呈野蛮式生长,据国际评级机构穆迪测算结果显示 ,2015年影子银行资产增加30%,总量超过53万亿元人民币,相当于GDP的79%,影子银行在银行贷款和资产中的占比也分别达到了58%和28%。 我国影子银行规模对商业银行稳定性的影响研究:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_25049.html