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时间:2022-09-02 21:59来源:毕业论文



The Cultivation of Students' Problem Consciousness in Primary School Mathematics Class

Abstract:Innovation can actively promote the development of social politics, economy, science and technology, and innovation comes from the awareness of the problem。 In order to develop students' ability of innovation and train them thinking in different way, we must pay attention to the cultivation of students' issue consciousness。 Training of issue consciousness is an important part of mathematics teaching in primary school。 Now the issue consciousness is very weak for the pupil in math class, which is very unfavorable for primary school students’ development of thinking and innovation ability。 In this paper, through the observation, analysis about cases and research of literature, I discussed the importance of the issue consciousness to the future development of students,and found that the problems existing in the cultivation of students' issue consciousness in the elementary school mathematics classroom mainly is that the students in the class do not dare to ask questions, don’t know how to ask questions, and not good at ask questions。So I put forward some suggestions about how to cultivate students' issue consciousness。

Keywords: primary school; mathematics class; problem consciousness; cultivation

目 录

摘要: 1

Abstract: 1

一、问题意识的内涵及其重要性 2

(一)问题意识的内涵 2

(二)培养学生问题意识的重要性 2

二、小学数学问题意识培养存在的问题 2

(一)学生不敢问 2

(二)学生不会问 3

(三)学生不善问 3

三、小学数学课堂中培养学生问题意识的建议 3

(一)营造民主氛围,激发学生提问勇气 3

(二)创设问题情景,培养学生提问能力 4

(三)积极引导,培养学生善于提问 6

参考文献 8

致谢 9




问题意识是指人们在认知活动中思维的问题性心理品质,在日常活动中,人们经常会遇到一些自己难以解决的实际问题或感到困惑的理论问题,伴随着焦虑、疑惑、探究心理状态的产生。[1]培养小学生在数学课堂中的问题意识,主要是在学生自身的自我调节和外在环境不断改善的共同作用下,使小学生具备分析探究、主动思考、善于发现问题、敢于提出问题的能力。 小学数学课堂学生问题意识培养探究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_98811.html
