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时间:2020-12-14 19:25来源:毕业论文

摘 要:上世纪八十年代中期以来,日本以及西方国家的动画开始涌入中国,而外国动画具有暴力倾向性则是一个普遍性问题。于此同时,国产动画除了数量有限,制作水平不高等不足之外,更主要的是其中也不乏暴力因素的存在。然而在幼儿日常生活中,动画片却占据着重要位置,对幼儿的语言,行为,人际等方面都产生较大的影响。其中暴力因素对幼儿的成长最具破坏性,这些暴力因素在潜移默化中对幼儿心理和行为产生了不容忽视的负面影响,甚至还会造成严重的后果。然而目前,对暴力因素的关注以及针对性的理论研究少之又少。因此,本文从动画片内容本身和幼儿身心特点出发,探讨动画片中暴力因素对幼儿产生影响的原因,并提出具有针对性的对策,以期在最大程度上减少暴力因素对幼儿的消极影响。 60754

毕业论文关 键 词:幼儿,动画片,暴力因素 

Abstract: Since the middle of the 1980s, quantities of the foreign cartoons have flowed into China, especially from the USA and Japan. It’s common that these cartoons have tendency toward violence. At the same time, few of Chinese works are produced. Most of them not only have poor quality for children but also have bad effects on children’ development. As we know, cartoons play a important role in kid’ daily life, including language, behavior, psychology and so on. Among them, the violence factors have the worst impact on children’ development. At present, relevant special theoretical researches haven’t been come out. Thus in this article, the author discusses the reasons for the violence in the cartoons and the effects they have on children, according to the content of the cartoons and the characteristics of children. In order to avoid the side effect of cartoons’ violence as soon as possible, the author also puts forward some reasonable suggestions to deal with these problems efficiently.

Key words: children, cartoons, violence

1  引言 3

2  暴力因素的理解 3

2.1  暴力因素的定义 3

2.2  动画片中暴力因素分类 4

3  动画片中暴力因素对幼儿心理行为的影响 5

3.1  易使幼儿产生攻击性行为 5

3.2  易使幼儿的自我保护意识减弱 5

3.3 易使幼儿产生不良情绪 6

3.4  对幼儿人际交往的负面影响 6

4  暴力因素对幼儿产生负面影响的原因分析 7

4.1  基于班杜拉的观察学习理论的分析 7

4.2  基于道德发展阶段理论的分析 8

5  消除动画片中暴力因素对幼儿影响的对策 9

5.1  审查机构的积极的源头把控 9

5.2  电视台的科学安排 10

5.3  家长和老师的合理管理 11

参考文献 12

致  谢 13

1  引言

    近年来,随着多媒体技术的不断发展,电视,电脑的普及,带来了传统教育格局的转变,幼儿的学习途径随之扩大。通过动画片学习也发展成为现代幼儿学习的一个主要特征,通过在幼儿园中以及日常生活中的观察可以得出,幼儿与动画片已经形成了异常亲密的关系,有些幼儿甚至对动画片产生了依赖,动画片几乎已经可以取代家长,老师以及朋友。就是幼儿在与动画片如此亲密的情况下,动画片中的暴力因素才会对幼儿的发展产生巨大的负面作用。 动画片中暴力因素对幼儿影响的对策:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_66297.html
