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时间:2022-08-16 22:36来源:毕业论文



The Present State Survey of Mathematics Homework Correcting in Primary School

— —take the case of Xihuanglou primary school of Caohe town

Abstract:The check of homework is essential and useful for both teachers and students。 Teachers need to obtain effective feedback during correcting students' work to understand thei-r mastery of new knowledge。 In other hand, students are able to adjust the way of learning to check miss and fill a vacancy。 In this paper, we choose the whole students in grade four, four primary mathematics teachers and some parents of the students in Xihuanglou primary school of Caohe town as our objects。 We get the situation of homework correcting by means of invest-igation and interview。 It turns out that math teachers have commons in correcting methods, w-hich include correcting in a single way, marking in simple symbols, etc。 In this case, it is nec-essary to take appropriate measures to promote the persification of correcting manners, to re-mark in different expressions, to encourage students more often。 Also, teachers should get in contact with parents to grasp the actual situation of students to help students improve their lea-rning efficiency。 

    Keywords: Primary mathematics; Homework correcting; Present situation; Measures

目  录

摘要 1

Abstract 1

一、研究设计 2

(一)调查对象 2

(二)调查方法 2

 (三)调查内容 2

二、小学数学作业批改查的调结果 3

(一)问卷结果 3

 (二)访谈结果 4

三、小学数学作业批改存在的问题 5

(一)批改方式单一 5

(二)批改符号简单 6

(三)激励评语不足 6

(四)过分依赖家长 6

四、小学数学作业批改的对策 7

(一)批改方式多元化 7

(二)批语种类多样化 7

(三)多使用鼓励评价 8

(四)有效地结合家长 8

参考文献 9

附录I 10

附录II 11

致谢 12


——以曹河乡西黄楼小学为例 小学数学作业批改的现状调查:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_97962.html
