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时间:2017-06-23 12:25来源:毕业论文

摘  要:通过文献综述法、问卷调查法、数理统计法、访谈法等,对目前许昌市魏都区青少年篮球后备人才培养现状进行调查分析,了解到目前许昌市高中男子篮球后备人才培养存在着以下问题:教练员工作积极性不高, 领导不太重视,没有科学的训练方法、训练经费来源不稳定、中学篮球队员参赛机会少、重训轻读严重智等。从而提出提高教练员素质,提供丰富的比赛机会,科学系统的训练,加强学校社会的支持等建议。为提高许昌市魏都区市青少年男子篮球后备人才培养水平,提升我国青少年篮球运动的整体水平提供理论参考和依据。10668
关键词 :篮球运动;青少年;后备人才培养;高中男子篮球
Survey and Analysis of the basketball talents WeiDouOu Xuchang
——Wei Du District in Xuchang City High School basketball team as an example
Abstract: Through literature review, questionnaire and mathematical statistics, interviews, etc., on the status of the current youth basketball talents WeiDouOu Xuchang investigation and analysis, selected in the 2012 WeiDouOu better basketball Xuchang City Schools Place in a few high schools for the survey. Wei Du District, Xuchang City from the basic situation of male high school basketball players, the training, motivation and attitudes of parents and other aspects of the school, we understand that the current Xuchang City High School Men's basketball talents in the following problems: Coaches are not enthusiastic about the work leaders do not pay attention, there is no scientific training methods, training and stable source of funding, fewer opportunities for high school basketball players participating, reading light weight training and other serious wisdom. Thus proposed to increase the quality of coaches, provide rich opportunities  for training and competition, the scientific system, strengthen community support for schools and other recommendations. Provide a theoretical basis for improving reference and Wei Du District Xuchang City                   Junior Boys basketball talents level, to enhance the overall level of youth basketball.         
Key words :Wei Du District; Xuchang City;Youth; reserve personnel training; investigation; Analysis
目  录
摘  要    1
Abstractl    1
问题的提出    2
相关研究成果综述    2
1.研究对象与方法    3
1.1研究对象    3
1.2研究方法    3
2.研究结果与分析    4
2.1许昌市魏都区高中男子篮球后备人才的培养现状    4
2.2家长对青少年参与篮球训练的态度    6
2.3各级教育领导对篮球队的态度    7
2.4教练员态度    7
2.5训练比赛因素    8
3.结论与建议    8
3.1结论    8
3.1.5基本技术不扎实    9
3.2建议    9
参考文献    10
附录    11
致  谢    14
体育后备人才的培养是体育运动可持续发展的保障。篮球作为一项传统的体育运动,深受我国广大群众的喜爱,不仅是因为这项运动的特点和价值,更重要的是篮球运动的精神。篮球运动在我市有着广泛的群众基础,随着近些年我国篮球后备人才培养机制的不断创新和改变,篮球运动也得到了进一步的提高,但是由于受到社会主义市场经济的制约以及篮球职业化的冲击,致使近几年我市篮球运动水平没有得到太大的提高,青少年运动员没有很好的发挥自身优势,没有为许昌篮球运动的提高做出应有的贡献。篮球运动员参与篮球运动训练的动机与篮球后备人才培养的宗旨发生偏离,学训矛盾突出,运动员的身体素质和篮球技术都呈现了下降的趋势,相关领导对人才的培养不够重视,教练员的训练方法不科学,素质不高。没能够实现优势互补。篮球队的资金来源困难,运动员参赛机会少。篮球后备人才培养的现状不容乐观。 篮球后备人才培养现状的调查与分析:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_9788.html