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时间:2022-07-28 22:22来源:毕业论文



Investigation on the Purchase of Snacks by Parents of Children Aged 3-6 in Rural Areas

– take a kindergarten in Huaiyang County as an example

Abstract: Eating snack food is a part of the eating behavior of children, many parents pay much attention to whether their children should eat snacks, eat what kind of snacks, and how many snacks should eat。3 - 6 years old is the critical period to cultivate children's eating behavior。 So, this study investigated 3 - 6 years old children in the garden, selected the perspective of rural parents buy snack behavior。 Take an example of kindergarten。 A in Huaiyang County, this investigation on the status quo of rural parents buy snacks。 By using the method of questionnaire, we have found out the existing problems, for instance, the majority of children buy candy and puffed foods; some parents don not care what snacks their children want to eat。 Therefore, parents should choose proper food for their children, act as a model, and cultivate good purchasing behavior。

Key words: Rural parents; Children snacks; Purchase behavior

目  录

摘要 1

Abstract 1

一、研究设计 2

(一)调查对象 2

(二)调查方法 2

(三)调查内容 2

二、淮阳县A幼儿园农村家长购买零食行为调查结果 3

(一)零食的购买者大多是祖辈 3

(二)购买零食主要考虑孩子自身爱好的因素 3

(三)购买零食的种类多为糖果类和膨化食品 4

(四)购买零食的时间不固定且较频繁 5

三、淮阳县A幼儿园农村家长购买零食行为类型的调查分析 6

(一)放任型 6

(二)控制型 6

(三)抵制型 7

四、改善农村幼儿家长购买零食行为的建议 7

(一)端正对零食的态度,正确对待幼儿零食行为 7

(二)加强零食知识的学习,合理选择幼儿的零食 8

(三)适量适时的购买零食,有效控制幼儿零食的摄入 8

(四)以身作则树立好榜样,培养幼儿良好的购买行为 9

参考文献 10

附录 11

致谢 13

农村3-6岁幼儿家长购买零食行为的调查研究 农村3-6岁幼儿家长购买零食行为调查研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_97110.html
