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时间:2022-04-05 15:03来源:毕业论文



Children Complain Behavior Causes and Improvement Strategy Research

Abstract: Children complain behavior is a common phenomenon in early childhood education。Due to the young age did not deal with things and thinking, so "complain" teacher for help this kind of performance to become a common phenomenon。This article adopts the methods of observation and interview, mainly for children "complain" behavior of inquiry。Mainly to explain the forms of class children complain behavior, a brief analysis of the class children "complain" behavior of the main reasons, and puts forward the preschool teachers for kindergarten children complain behavior improvement strategy。Teachers from different "complain" behavior to make corresponding countermeasures, teachers play the initiative, correct to treat the children complain behavior help children learn to solve the contradiction, ability to foster independent thinking and solving problems。To create a good atmosphere for the growth of children, effectively solve the present situation of the teacher too busy to attend to all in daily teaching。

Key words: children;"complain" behavior;Improvement method

目  录

摘要 1

Abstract: 1

一、大班幼儿“告状”行为的概述 2

(一)概念界定 2

(二)研究价值 2

二、大班幼儿“告状”行为的表现及原因分析 3

(一)“求助”型告状,幼儿过度依赖成人 3

(二)“试探”型告状,幼儿想获取关注度 4

(三)“检举”型告状,幼儿因道德感萌发 4

(四)“关爱”型告状,幼儿因产生同情心 5

三、改善大班幼儿“告状”行为的策略 6

(一)明确求助原因,培养解决问题的能力 6

(二)问题明确答复,增强幼儿的是非观念 6

(三)查清告状动机,及时作出判断与评价 7

(四)表扬关爱行为,引导其关爱互助同伴 7

参考文献 8

附录Ⅰ 9

附录Ⅱ 10

致谢 11


   大班幼儿向老师“告状”在幼儿园里是再常见不过的一种现象。是师幼互动和同伴交往活动中出现次数最多的行为。[1]幼儿“告状”行为给老师的教育教学工作带来许多困扰,因此,作为一名幼儿教师更要重视“告状”行为,不能简简单单的遏制幼儿这一行为,针对于不同原因、不同类型幼儿而产生的“告状”要具体问题具体分析,教师要有不同的应对策略和方式。更要全面认识并且合理处理幼儿“告状”行为。 大班幼儿告状行为成因及改善策略研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_92013.html
