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时间:2022-03-29 22:38来源:毕业论文



Kindergarten small children drinking Survey Research

——In the kindergarten in Zhoukou City S Case

Abstract: Water is the source of life, 70% of the children's weight is water。 The metabolism of small children, greater demand for water。 Children in the garden to drink water, has become the parents pay attention to the problem of high frequency。 For parents of children drinking attention, care on the questions and concerns of life in the kindergarten, to understand the study is to investigate a small children from the actual situation of water activity, mainly from the water quantity, water time, kindergarten activity of drinking water, water activity in young children, in the form of behavior, etc。, to study。 Through the empirical study found that kindergarten class water activity of the main problems are: children enough drinking water, drinking water timing was not appropriate, kindergarten activities does not reach the designated position under the guidance of teachers。 The measures mainly include: improve their awareness of the value of water activity, give play to the role of teachers set a good example of an example, facilitate water conditions and good environment。

Keywords: Kindergarten; small children; water activities

目  录

摘要 1

Abstract 1

一、幼儿园小班饮水活动的概述 2

(一)饮水对幼儿身心健康发展的意义 3

(二)饮水活动与幼儿园其他活动的联系 3

(三)饮水时机与饮水量的制定 3

二、幼儿园小班饮水活动现状调查 3

(一)幼儿的饮水量 3

(二)幼儿的饮水时机 4

(三)幼儿的饮水活动形式 4

(四)幼儿在饮水活动中的行为习惯 5

三、幼儿园小班饮水活动中存在的问题 5

(一)幼儿饮水量不足 5

(二)幼儿饮水时机不适宜 5

(三)幼儿饮水过程中教师没有及时指导 6

四、幼儿园小班饮水活动存在问题的原因分析 7

(一)幼儿本身不爱喝水 7

(二)幼儿教师工作繁琐沉重 7

(三)幼儿园的饮水设备不完善 7

五、幼儿园小班饮水活动中存在问题的改进 7

(一)提高幼儿对饮水活动价值的认识 幼儿园小班饮水活动现状调查研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_91758.html
