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时间:2021-08-31 21:14来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词:小学课堂教学 教育公平 边缘人 

Abstract: There is a crowd in the class structure of interpersonal two extremes: a student is enjoying high prestige and trust the teacher in the class, one is bland, very little communication with classmates and even slightly worse reputation students, this paper focuses on marginal phenomenon classroom education elementary education from the point of fairness.Fair is one of the basic requirements for a harmonious development of society, China is a socialist society, which requires us to use the scientific concept of development thinking look "marginal man" phenomenon issue.We should take the basic theory of Marxism as the guiding ideology, the use of scientific and standardized empirical analysis, historical analysis, in close connection with China's current education policies, from the perspective of education policy to gain insight into education in order to tackle some of the equity of education inequity .From the perspective of the students' physical and mental health, to explore ways of generating less than primary school classroom teaching process "marginal man" Causes and solutions and strategies in external factors and based on objective conditions, promote equity in education, so that every elementary school classroom a student can achieve access to education or the rights conferred and opportunities for development.

Keywords:Elementary Classroom,Education Fair,Marginal

目   录

1 前言 3

2 小学课堂教育“边缘人”现象分析 3

2.2小学课堂教学中“边缘人”现象产生的原因 4

2.2.1“精英zhuyi”课堂价值观的制约 4

2.2.2传统教学理念、教学方法和“以学生为本”之间的矛盾 5

2.2.3学生自身发展的不平衡性 5

2.2.4社会环境的影响 6

3 促使“边缘人”回归课堂的应对策略 6

3.1增强学生的课堂归属感 6

3.1.1关心每一位学生的发展 6

3.1.2给学生课堂参与的空间 6

3.1.3多信任、多鼓励、多表扬 6

3.2学生安全的归属感 7

3.2.1教师职业的示范性 7

3.2.2适当降低学生竞争强度 小学课堂教学中的边缘人的思考:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_81227.html
