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时间:2021-07-20 22:28来源:毕业论文

要:通过设计调查问卷并对调查的结果进行统计分析发现:思想政治教育专 业的学生总体具有较高的道德素质,主要表现在具备较高的道德认知水平和良好 的道德行为表现等。且该专业的学习对学生自身道德素质是有积极影响的,但影 响程度和特点因年级不同各有差异,主要表现为大一年级影响程度较小,而通过 一段时间学习之后的大二、大三年级学生效果较为明显。但此次调查结果也显示 出了不少问题。思想政治教育专业的学生所应该具备的专业素养还有所欠缺,缺 乏应有的判断力,道德观也不够成熟,容易受到周围环境的影响;再者,该专业 学生的道德素养受诸多因素影响,但本次问卷着重调查思想政治教育专业课学习 的影响,其影响虽然有积极面,但是总体来说效果仍不明显,学生学习显得比较 被动,自我意识过强,不擅于运用专业知识思考道德问题,缺乏理性思考能力。 因此,根据调查结果和相关数据,针对该专业大学生存在的问题,分析其原因, 并有针对性地提出一些解决思路和办法,也希望能给相关教育工作者一些参考。69661


Investigation on the Moral Quality of College Students in Ideological and Political Education

Abstract:Through the design of the questionnaire and to the results of the survey were used for statistical analysis, it is found that the ideological and political education for the students in general has a higher moral quality, mainly with higher levels of moral cognition and the good moral behavior such as. And the professional learning of moral qualities of students is positive impact, but the impact of the extent and characteristics because of different grades are different from each other, mainly

for a year, to a lesser extent, and through the study for a period of time after the sophomore and junior students effect is more obvious. But the survey results also show a lot of problems. The ideological and political education for the students should have the professional quality and lack, lack of proper judgment and moral values are not mature enough, vulnerable to the influence of surrounding environment; furthermore, the moral quality of the students by the influence of many factors, but

the questionnaire focuses on the investigation of the influence of Ideological and political education professional course learning, its impact although there is a positive side, but the overall effect is still not clear, student learning is passive, self consciousness is too strong, skilled in the use of professional knowledge about moral problems, lack of rational thinking. Therefore, according to the survey results and related data, in view of the problems existed in the majors. Analysis the reason, and to put forward some ideas and methods to solve them, also hope to give some reference for educators.

Key Words:ideological and political education;college student;moral qualities;investigation


(一)本课题研究现状 现阶段对大学生的道德素质研究越来越受到学术界的专家的重视。学者们对


对道德素质的冲击,网络环境,新时代大发展,家庭教育等方面开展研究。 现阶段对思想政治教育专业大学生道德素质的研究主要和专业教育挂钩。从

以往文献看,对二者单独研究的成果较为丰富,而探究高校专业教育和思想政治 教育融合的比较少。[1] 研究大多以专业教育和思想政治教育融合的必要性、现状 和成因以及主要方法等方面为重点。

此外,当前对思想政治教育专业大学生道德素质的调查研究状况也大多倾向 于新媒介对思想政治教育影响的现实情况。当今时代,随着科技的不断发展,课 堂教学势必会更加需要新媒介来辅助教师高质量地完成教学计划。而所谓新媒介 也就是新媒体是指利用电脑、网络等一些高新科技,对传统媒体的形式、内容和 类型所产生的质变。对新媒介的运用一定要做到合理、高效、守法。而当前确实 也存在对新媒介使用不恰当的行为。思想政治教育需要良好的环境,同样,新媒 体做为思想政治教育的新载体也需要法律制度的规范。[2] 思想政治教育专业大学生道德素质调查研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_78651.html
