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时间:2022-10-18 22:31来源:毕业论文



The present situation of the elementary school mathematics to younger students for behavior and countermeasure research

Abstract: In recent years, with the development of quality education, general education workers more and more attention to the cultivation of the child behavior, parents and teachers to children concerns are gradually transferred to pay attention to the development of children comprehensive quality。 Good habits of behavior play a significant role in education, to realize the mathematics quality of teaching is of positive significance。 In the elementary school low section is to cultivate good psychological quality and behavior of the best times, primary school students in this period, high plasticity, is to cultivate good habits of critical period, so in the process of learning mathematics, should actively cultivate low years period of the child's good behavior。 This article through to Long Hua in Sheng Zhen  primary school younger students learning behavior for the actual situation as the research object, study younger pupils for behavior problems, to analyze its influencing factors, actively look for promote good behavior habits of the strategy, expecting to promote the all-round development of primary school students。

Keywords: primary school students; Study habit; Situational education;

 目  录

摘要 1

Abstract 1

一、 良好学习习惯对小学生学习的意义 2

(一)小学生的特点 2

(二)培养良好学习习惯的意义 2

二、小学生良好学习习惯的现状分析 3

(一)研究设计 3

(二)调查内容 3

(三)调查结果分析 3

三、培养小学生良好学习习惯的对策建议 6

(一)重视情景教学,创设良好的学习环境 6

(二)充分发挥学生的主体性,改进教学方法 7

(三)注重课后作业的趣味性和多样性 7

(四)积极加强家长自身的修养,促进家校合作 8

参考文献 9

附录I 10

附录II 12

致谢 14

小学生良好学习习惯的现状及对策研究当前,随着新课改的发展和施行,素质教育已经成为了现代中国教育的根本方针。少年儿童的身心发展特点和教育规律告诉我们,从培养良好习惯着手,是对少年儿童进行良好素质教育的最有效途径。孩子的成长与发展需要全面的考虑,不能单纯的注重某一方面或某几方面的培养,这样孩子才能更协调的发展。[1]良好的学习习惯不仅有助于提高学生的学习成绩,还有益于提高学生以后在生活中的问题解决能力,使其终身受益。俄国教育学家乌申斯基曾经大力的赞扬良好习惯对于个人一生发展的积极作用,学习习惯的培养优于学习知识的单纯灌输,知识是无限的,良好的学习习惯对个人平时的学习乃至人的一生的成就都有很重要的作用,因此对于学习习惯的研究便显的十分重要。[2]根据相关研究发现,小学生处于学习习惯养成的关键时期,基于这一研究假说以及小学生学习习惯养成的重要性,笔者便有了进行小学生学习习惯研究的设想。论文网 小学生良好学习习惯的现状及对策研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_100600.html
