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时间:2021-04-07 21:22来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键字:  小学生进辅导班,原因及影响,解决策略

Abstract:Primary school education is the initial stages of Chinese education career and it is in the centre of education career. Basic education is a solid bridge of higher education, and we must pay attention to the issue in the education reform. Children are the future of our country and the State takes strong expectation on them. We all hope that children can be the successor of our motherland. So, parents and teachers must pay much attention to the basic education of our children. As a result, more and more auxiliary classes appear. Then why so many auxiliary classes appear?It is beneficial for pupils to attend tutorial class in broadening horizons, increasing their knowledge and improving communication skills, but on the other hand, it also has side effects, such as increasing the burden to students, adding financial burden to the family etc. Therefore, parents should choose tutorial classes rationally.

Keywords:children go to auxiliary classes ,causes and effect ,resolution strategy


目  录

1 前言 3

2 小学生进辅导班的现状分析 3

2.1辅导班的概述 3

2.2辅导班产生的背景 5

3 小学生进辅导班的原因分析 5

3.1 社会的需求 6

3.2家长的需求 6

3.3学生的需求 7

3.4学校的需求 7

4 辅导班存在的价值和弊端 7

4.1辅导班存在的益处 8

4.2辅导班存在的弊病 8

5 化解小学生进辅导班不利影响的对策 10

5.1改变家长的观念 10

5.2建立规范的辅导班 10

5.3尊重学生的差异 10

5.4创造和谐的氛围 11

结语 12

参考文献 13

致谢 14

1 前言

在当今社会我国的小学生除了参加学校学习之外,其余大部分时间都花在了课外辅导上(课外辅导,是指拥有一定知识量的个体或校外教育机构的教师,在学生在校学习的时间和空间之外,针对学生的需要,为学生提供个别或集体指导的有偿教育服务)[1]。虽然课外辅导班在某种程度上可以培养学生的兴趣,丰富学生的课内外知识,增强学生的自身素质,但是过多的课外辅导会给学生带来身体及心理上的负担。本文将对学生进辅导班这一现象进行相关的研究论文网 小学生进辅导班的利弊及其对策研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_72515.html
