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时间:2020-09-02 15:19来源:毕业论文

摘 要:语文学科无论在哪个国家都拥有非常重要的地位,阅读教学更是语文教学的重中之重。我国自新课程改革以来已经10年之久,在教育的道路上不断的探索,中小学的语文教学也进行了一定的改革,教学理念不断地被创新,新的教学方法被提出等。但是同时也暴露了种种问题。本文通过对阅读教学的概念进行叙述,继而对小学高年级阅读教学现状进行分析,揭示了如今阅读教学存在的问题,并给出了修改策略。希望能够为阅读教学提供借鉴。55425


Abstract:Language subjects has pivotal position no matter in which country; furthermore, reading instruction is the key of language teaching. Since the new curriculum reform in China for ten years, we have constantly explored on the way of education; language teaching of primary and secondary schools have also been reformed; teaching philosophy has continuously been innovated; new teaching methods have been proposed, etc. But, meanwhile, it has also exposed some sorts of problems. This paper through the description of the concept of reading instruction and the analysis of the reading status and strategies of upper primary, reveals the problems existing in the reading instruction nowadays, and presents some strategies to modify. Hoping it can serve as a reference for the reading instruction.

Keywords:upper primary, reading, reading instruction, status and strategies

目  录

摘要 1

1  阅读教学及其意义 3

1.1  阅读 3

1.2  阅读教学 3

1.3  理论意义 3

1.4  实践意义 4

2  阅读教学背景及国内外相关研究 4

2.1  阅读与阅读教学的背景 4

2.2  国外对阅读的相关研究 5

2.3  国内对阅读相关研究 5

3  小学高年级语文阅读教学现状 5

3.1  教师给予学生的关注不够 6

3.2  学生缺乏对主动阅读和兴趣阅读的观念 6

3.3  教师需要充分激发学生阅读兴趣发展阅读动机 6

3.4  阅读种类相对单一 6

3.5  学生没有良好的阅读行为习惯 6

3.6  教师缺乏对学生主体地位的关注 7

3.7  课外阅读范围恒定,难以满足学生个性化需要 7

4  小学高年级语文阅读教学的改良方式 7

4.1  课堂上加强对学生的关注 7

4.2  激发阅读兴趣,引导学生自主阅读 7

4.3  坚持以生为本理念,从学生主体出发培养情感 8

4.4  树立学生正确阅读行为理念 8

4.5  激发学生课外阅读兴趣,加强阅读教学指引 9

4.6  发挥教师示范作用,引导学生学习阅读 9

结论 10

参考文献 小学高年级语文阅读教学现状及对策:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_59793.html
