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时间:2020-05-24 22:04来源:毕业论文



Problems and Countermeasures study in primary school classroom

Abstract: Education fair question in recent years is attracting more and more people's attention. In order to understand the fair problem that exists in classroom teaching in primary schools, the writer entered a primary school, through the observation method and  the literature review research, learned that some fairness problems have been commonplace in the primary schools’ classroom at present .Through the analysis and exploration of the causes of these problems, the author puts forward the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions to solve the problem of fairness in primary schools. Hope that through the research of this topic, let more people pay more attention to the fairness of classroom teaching, to provide some reference for the promotion of educational equity, as well as theoretical support and practical guidance.

Keywords: Educational fairness; Classroom education; Phenomenon analysis

目  录

摘要 1

Abstract 1

一、教育公平的内涵及其重要性 2

二、当前小学课堂中的不公平现象 3

(一)教学目标太过统一 3

(二)座位安排不公平 4

(三)师生交流互动不公平 5

三、小学课堂中不公平现象原因的分析 6

(一)教师的职业素养有待提高 6

(二)教师对学生的评价体系单一 6

(三)传统的教师观念 6

(四)班级规模过大 7

四、促进小学课堂过程中教育公平的建议 7

(一)加强教师队伍师德建设,全面提高教师职业道德素养 7

(二)建立多元的评价体系 8

(三)树立教师健康、科学的学生观 8

(四)提倡小班化教学 8

参考文献 9

附录 10

致谢 11


定了教育的等级化、特权化以及专制性,而现代教育呈现出教育民主化向纵深发展的趋势[1]。经过了半个多世纪的教育民主化过程,教育公平理念如今已经被世界各国普遍地认同和重视。 小学课堂教学过程中的不公平问题及建议:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_52761.html
