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时间:2020-07-08 21:31来源:毕业论文



 Abstract:Through questionnaires, the status of environmental awareness Luoshan Henan Xinghua School Students conduct surveys. The questionnaire survey conducted mainly for middle school students environmental awareness, environmental knowledge and environmental behavior in three areas. Statistical results showed that the majority of Henan Xinghua School Students Luoshan to realize the importance of environmental protection, but environmental knowledge is still lacking, and in the environmental behavior of not doing enough, a certain lack of self-consciousness. The reason for this phenomenon is multifaceted, subjective awareness of the community on the status of environmental protection without attention, objectively, school, family and society are to some extent neglected environmental awareness training for high school students. To improve the Henan Xinghua School Students Luoshan This article discusses the strengthening of environmental awareness and environmental awareness education from the school, parents bring a positive impact on students, focusing on media propaganda, play a guiding role of the media, and foster environmental awareness, four amplified environmental knowledge, such as the implementation of environmental action training students to become an environmentally friendly small guard.

Keywords: Luoshan Xinghua school, high school students, environmental awareness, questionnaires, Comments 


1前言 5

2河南省罗山县兴华学校中学生环境保护意识的调查 5

2.1调查范围 5

2.2调查时间 5

2.3调查方法 5

2.4调查内容 6

2.5调查结果 6

3河南省罗山县兴华学校环境保护意识现状的原因与建议 9

3.1主观原因 9

3.2客观原因 9

3.3建议 10

结论 13

参考文献 14

致谢 15

附录1: 16

附录2: 18


随着社会经济的飞速发展,我们科技水平的提高也伴随着一系列的环境问题。在环境问题日益严峻的今天,保护环境是每个公民应尽的义务。中学生作为祖国的接班人更要具有环境保护的意识。随着可持续发展的观念不断普及,公众对环境保护的关注程度日益提高,环保事业进入了全民参与的新时代。《中国2l世纪议程》中提出:应该把增强公众的环保意识和支持环境发展的态度、价值观、树立受教育者可持续发展的观念作为现代化教育重要目的。作为2l世纪的主人—当代中学生,形成这样的的观念尤其重要。中学生在环境保护中所能发挥的作用不容忽视,中学生有比成人更具优势的一面。他们具有充沛的精力和开放的思想.更容易接受新事物,更容易影响其它各类人群,因而是促使环境向有利方向转化的一支强大力量。因此中学生在环境保护事业中应该扮演生力军的重要角色[1,2]。中学生环境保护意识的有无与程度将直接影响其对环境保护的贡献,同时也很大程度上影响了环境保护的成效。培养中学生环境保护的意识功在当代,利在千秋!研究采用问卷调查的方法对河南省罗山县兴华学校中学生环境保护意识从环境保护意识,环境保护知识和环境保护行为进行调查,分析现状产生的原因并从家庭、学校、社会以及个人等方面提出建议。 罗山县中学生环境保护意识状况的调查与分析:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_56030.html
