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时间:2020-05-28 21:50来源:毕业论文



The Influence of Mobile Phone on College Students’ Learning 

-- An Empirical Study Based on the Undergraduate Students in Normal University

Abstract: With the development of the technology of smart phone, the features of mobile phone are becoming much richer than before. As college students in a new era ,they are more dependent on the mobile phone. It is ubiquitous to see Smart phone addicts on campus. The culture of mobile phone brings profound impacts on college students' way of thinking, ideal and belief, value orientation, inpiduality and psychology and etc. In order to better understand the influences of mobile phone on my college students learning, this paper adopts the form of questionnaire and interview to investigate college seniors of our university. The result of the survey shows that mobile phone has become a essential part of campus life for the university students with beneficial effects as well as adverse effects. Finally, the author puts forward reasonable measures in view of the existing problems in the usage of mobile phone.   

Key Words: Smart phones; college student; Learning effect; strategy

目    录

摘要 1

引言 2

1. 调查目的、对象、方法和内容 2

1.1 调查目的 2

1.2 调查对象 2

1.3 调查方法 2

1.4 调查内容 3

2. 调查状况与分析 3

2.1 手机在生活中的使用情况调查分析 3

2.2 手机对课堂学习的影响情况分析 6

2.3 学生对合理使用手机的措施认可度情况调查 10

3. 调查结果分析 12

3.1 大学生在生活中过度依赖手机而产生交往障碍 12

3.2 手机对大学生的健康产生负面影响 13

3.3 手机对大学生课堂学习的负面影响 13

4. 引导大学生合理使用手机的策略 13

4.1 面对智能手机,学生自身应提升自我控制力 14

4.2 学校要加强学生合理使用智能手机的教育和宣传 14

4.3 采用多种手段,尽量减少上课玩手机的现象 14

4.4 移动互联网时代,我们也要发挥手机的积极作用。 14

5. 结束语 15

参考文献 15

附录 17

致谢 19


手机对大学生学习的影响基于师范学院本科生的实证调查 手机对大学生学习的影响:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_53120.html
