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时间:2020-05-26 11:46来源:毕业论文



The First Grade Primary School Students Learning Problems and Strategies Existed

--Of the first grade primary school Chinese teaching plan ,Dong Huanglou primary school teaching as an example

Abstract: Mutual self-learning is a form of autonomous learning,it is a new type of learning mode,which can improve students' autonomous learning ability. During the writer's exercitation period. In the first grade Chinese language class, students' learning mutual aid form was be applied,and on the basis of this observation and summary of the existing problems in the form of learning, the cause of problem and problem-solving strategies. Includes students ' problems in mutual learning, teachers co-operative learning problems and analysis in, schools and families in students ' problems in the co-operative learning. Aiming at the problems in students' mutual learning, and puts forward some solutions.

Key words: primary school students; Chinese; mutual learning; learning methods

目  录

摘要 1

Abstract 1

一、互助学习的理念与内涵 2

二、在一年级语文教学中存在的问题 2

(一)学生互助学习中课前预习能力差 3

(二)学生的互助学习学习形式单调 3

(三)互助学习小组成员不合理 3

(四)小组间没有明确的问题意识和责任分工 3

(五)教师片面追求形式 4

(六)教师仍旧起着主导作用 4

三、一年级学生语文互助学习存在问题的分析 5

(一)自主学习能力较差 5

(二)师生没有指定学生互助学习的目标 5

(三)学生没有合作意识,合作的技能非常低 5

(四)互助学习之前没有让学生独立思考的过程 6

(五)互助学习中学习问题没有太多的讨论价值 6

(六)缺乏评价激励机制 6

(七)学校的学习配套施舍不完善 6

(八)学生的家庭学习环境不好 6

四、提高学生互助学习能力采取的措施 7

(一)合理组成学习小组,明确小组成员指责 7

(二)提高学生自主学习能力,规范合作机制,唤起合作学习热情 8

(三)发挥教师引导职能,教导学生学习方法 8

(四)学校创设良好的学习环境,完善图书馆 小学一年级学生互助学习存在问题和策略:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_52869.html
